LEC 9/22-24 Protista Flashcards
scientific names are standard and recognized internationally
scientific name has a two-word latin name
What are the 2 parts of a scientific word?
1st is the Genus to which the organism belongs, 2nd work represents the Species
classification system (purpose)
brings logic and order to the study of living things
characteristics used for classification are:
characteristics that reflect the relationship between the species and shared derived characters
Mnemonic for King Philip..
Did King Philip Come Over For Great Sex?
Answer for Mnemonic
Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
Classification for humans
D: Eukarya, K: Animalia, P: Chordata, C: Mammalia, O: Primates, F: Hominidae, G: Homo, S: H. sapiens
key events in life’s history
3.5 billion yrs ago oldest fossilized bacteria
key events in life’s history
2.1 billion yrs ago eukaryotes appeared
smaller, simpler, most do not have membrane-enclosed organelles, bacteria and archaea
Larger, more complex, membrane-enclosed organelles, protists, plants, fungi, animals
Key event in life’s history
1.5 billion yrs ago multicellular eukaryotes multicellularity evolved several types giving rise to plants, fungi and animals
key event in life’s history
500 million yrs ago, “ cambrian explosion” diversification of animal forms, plants and animals move on to land.
key event in life’s history
humans appeared in less than 0.2 second ago
Theory of endosymbiosis
explains the origin of eukaryotic cells from prokaryotic ancestors
first multicellular organisms were colonies
Tor F
did the cambrian explosion give rise to most of the animal Phyla
classification is a work in progress
classification is constantly changing as we lerarn more abt orgainsms through new technology
Carl Linnaeus 1758
only two kingdom classification: Plantae and animalia
5 kingdom
Plantae, Fungi, Animalia, Protista, Monera