LEC 8/25 INTRO Flashcards
What % of species is known and unknown
5% of species is known and 95% of species is unknown
What is science 2 limits
- only study natural world, perceived by our sense or using instruments
- it can ONLY look for NATURAL explanations
science or not: Limited to the natural world?
Science: natural phenomena w/ natural causes
SorN: Observable
Science: based on events perceived by our senses
SorN: Testable
Science: ideas must be able to generate expectations
SorN: Measurable
Science: quantifiable
SorN: Repeatable
Science: by different people w/ similar results
SorN: modifiable
S: not fixed for all time, not based on dogma
SorN: open to change
S: new evidence can modify or replace concepts
SorN: strong theories inferred from solid evidence
S: not just a list of facts but explanations of observations
SorN: made stronger by difft lines of evidence
S: independent unrelated fields of study point to same explanations
SorN: a search for understanding
S: how the universe works why it is that way it is?
SorN: proves or disproves ideas
N: science accepts or rejects ideas
SorN: based on belief of faith
N: based on objective evidence
SorN: based on authority
N: experts can be in error
SorN: a search for truth
N: truth can mean difft things to difft people
SorN: fair
N: whatever is, is
SorN: Democratic
N: there is no voting in science, not based on popularity but evidence
SorN: able to solve all problems
N: limited to the natural world
SorN: a collection of facts
N: not just facts but also theories
all living organisms share a set of common characteristics..
are composed of one or more cells
smaller, simpler, most do not have membrane-enclosed organelles are bacteria and archaea
larger, more complex, membrane-enclosed organelles are: protists, plants, fungi, animals
an individual living thing
composed of several difft types of tissue and specialized for a particular fxn
group of cells w/ common structure and fxn
the smallest unit of living matter, fxn independently, enclosed in a semi-permeable membrane
two or more atoms chemically bonded together
the smallest COMPONENT of an element that maintains the elements chemical properties
characteristics of living organism 1
obtain energy from their environment to support metabolism
characteristics of living organism 2
maintain homeostasis
characteristics of living organism 3
reproduce using DNA
organisms complete set of DNA, nucleus
one or more unique pieces of DNA
a specific sequence of DNA, info necessary to produce all or part of a protein
characteristics of living organism 4
are capable of evolving as a group