LEC 6 Flashcards
what are 3 types of parasites
- protozoa
- metazoa
- ectoparasites
what are protozoa
single celled eukaryotes
what are metazoa
multi celled eukaryotes
what is a cyst
protective layer around PM of protozoa
what is function of cyst
protect protozoa from inhospitable enviros
what is example of inhospitable enviro
why is water considered inhospitable
- hypotonic
- more particles inside cell
- less particles outside cell
- water moves into cell
how does cyst protect protozoa
prevent water from entering cell
what is trophozoite
growing from of protozoa
how does metronidazole work
prevents anaerobic CR
which protozoa have cyst forms that are resistant to chlorine
- entamoeba histolytica
- giardia lambia
- cryptosporidum parvum
what are 2 families of tryptosoma
- brucei
2. cruzi
what does tryptosoma brucei family include
- T brucei gambinese
2. T brucei rhodesinse
what are 4 types of plasmodium sp
- P falciparum
- P malarie
- P ovale
- P vivax
what is most dangerous plasmodium sp
P falciparum
why is P faciparum most dangerous plasmodium spe
affects RBCs of all ages
what are 3 symptoms of malaria
- fever
- chills
- organ death
how does organ death occur when you have malaria
- parasites make RBCs sticky
- RBCs collect
- RBCs block vessels
what is virulence factor for making RBCs sticky
what are 3 severe consequences of malaria
- cerebral malaria
- anemia
- kidney failure
what is gametocyte
form of parasite ingested by mosquito
what is sporozoite
infectious form of plasmodium species
what are metazoa
what are 3 major groups of worms
- nematodes
- trematodes
- cestodes / tapeworms
what do nematodes contain
digestive system
what are 2 categories of nematodes
- eggs are infectious stage / eggs cause infection
2. larvae infectious stage / larvae cause infection
where does anisakis come from
what is elephantiasis
adult worms (blood nematodes) in lymph
what is riverblindness
adult worms (blood nematodes) in subcutaneous tissue
what are microfilaiae
offspring of adult blood nematodes
what are cercariae
larvae form of schistosome
what do eggs of schistosome cause
why do eggs of schistosome cause inflammation
- adult worms hiding under protein coat ==> not exposed to WBC
- eggs not hiding under protein coat ==> exposed to WBC
what are 3 types of schistosome
- S hematobium
- S japonicum
- S mansoni
what kind of parasite is S hematobium
what kind of parasites are S japonicum and S mansoni
what does S shematobium cause
- badder inflammation
2. bladder cancer
what kind of schistosome can be found in Canada
what do duck schistosome cause
swimmer’s itch
CESTODES where do tapeworms reside
CESTODES what are tapeworms lacking
digestive system
CESTODES what do tapeworms rely on for food
CESTODES what are structural features of tapeworms
- scolex (head) containing hooks
2. proglottid (body) containing male and female repro organs
CESTODES how do we get infected by cestodes
ingest uncooked meat
CESTODES what 2 types of diseases can tapeworm cause
- intestinal / mild
2. deep tissue / serious
CESTODES what tapeworms cause mild disease
- pork
- beef
- fish
- rodent
CESTODES what tapeworms cause serious disease
- pork
2. dog
CESTODES what is taenia saginata
beef tapeworm
CESTODES what is lifecycle of taenia saginata
- beef as intermediate host
2. humans
CESTODES what is taenia solium
pork tapeworm
CESTODES what is lifecycle of pork tapeworm
- pork as intermediate host
2. humans
CESTODES what are 2 modes of pork tapeworm infection
- egg
2. larvae
CESTODES what happens when we ingest egg
larvae encysts in brain
CESTODES what happens when we ingest larvae
larvae grow in intestine
CESTODES what kind of host are humans to dog tapeworms
dead end
ECTOPARASITES what are ectoparasites
parasite that live in skin
ECTOPARASITES what are 3 ectoparasites
- scabies
- public lice
- head live
ECTOPARASITES what is pathogencity of scabies
- burrow into skin
2. lay eggs in burrow
ECTOPARASITES what is pathogenicity of lice
- bite skin
- suck blood
- lay eggs in hair shafts