Learning and memory (BS 3) Flashcards
a decrease in response caused by repeated exposure to a stimulus
the recovery of a response to a stimulus after habituation
associative learning
forming a connection between two stimuli or between behavior and response; examples are classical and operant conditioning
classical conditioning
a form of associative learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus; neutral stimulus produces same response as unconditioned stimulus, neutral stimulus becomes conditioned stimulus
a broadening effect where similar stimuli both produce a conditioned response
when an organism learns to distinguish between two similar stimuli
operant conditioning
a form of associative learning in which the frequency of a behavior is modified using reinforcement or punishment
positive and negative reinforcement
(to promote continuation of behavior) positive adds an incentive, negative takes away an unpleasant stimulus
avoidance learning
a form of negative reinforcement in which one avoids the unpleasantness of something that has yet to happen
escape learning
a form of negative reinforcement in which one reduces the unpleasantness of something that already exists
positive and negative punishment
(to prevent behavior) positive is the addition of an unpleasant stimulus, negative takes away a desired stimulus in response to bad behavior
variable ratio reinforcement
reinforcement happens after a varying number of performances (ex. gambling; continuous response); most effective
fixed ratio reinforcement
reinforces a behavior at a specific number of performances
variable interval reinforcement
reinforcement occurs the first time that behavior is performed after an interval, the interval constantly changes
fixed interval reinforcement
reinforcement occurs at the first instance of behavior after a set time interval; least effective