Learning Flashcards
learning theories zin continuity of discontinuity
Development is determined by the Childs environment, via learning through conditioning
klassieke conditionering
Little Albert, Pavlov, a form of learning that consists of associating an neutral stimulus with a stimulus that always evokes a particular reflexive responses.
Systematic desensitization
A form of therapy based on classical conditioning.Positive response gelinkt aan negatieve response. gebruikt voor phobias
Intermitten reinforcement
Inconsistent response to a behavior, f.e. sometimes punishing unacceptable behaviors and other times ignoring it.
Behavior Modification
A form of therapy based on the principles of operant conditioning in which reinforcement contingencies are changed to encourage more adaptive behavior.
Social learning theory (bandura)
observational learning, attention to a persons behavior, enoding what is observed, storing in memory and retrieving later time to reproduce.
Vicarious reinforcement
Observing someone else receive a reward or punishment
Reciprocal determinism
Child-environment influences operate in both directions, Children are influences and influence their environment
minder reageren op stimuli die je vaker hebt meegemaakt, learning has taken place.
statistical learning
Detecting statistical patterns, mamas stem dus waarschijnlijk zie ik ook haar gezicht
Perceptual learning
By playing close attention to the objects and events they perceive.
key to preceptiual learning, extracting from the constantly changing stimulation and events in the environment the relation of those elements are constant
the possibilities for action offers or afforded by object and situations.
Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
stimulus that evokes a reflexive response
Unconditioned response (UCR)
Responce to the UCS that is a reflex
Conditioned stimulus (CS)
The neutral stimulus that is repeatedly paired with the unconditioned stimulus
Conditioned response (CR)
The originally reflexive response that comes to be elicited by the conditioned stimulus.
Intrumental conditionering
Zelfde als operant, learning consiquences behavior
Positieve reinforcement
Je krijgt iets omdat je iet goed doet, Je luistert goed naar mama dus we gaan naar de efteling
Observational learning
Bij second half of first year, infant imitation becomes more robust. Reproduce behavior of other people, not objects
Rational learning
The ability to use prior experiences to predict what will occur in the future
Active learning
Learning by observing the world rather that passively observing objects and events
Infants mental representations of the physical world are gradually acquired and strengthened through the general learning mechanisms that function across multiple domains
Physical knowledge
Infants knowledge about the physical world ia not limited to what they know about learning objects. e.a gravity
Social knowledge
Knowledge about the social world, people and their behaviors.
Non-associative learning
Habituation, sensitization
Associative learling
klassieke en operanet conditionering
Backward pairing
Tone appears after (first food)
Simultaneous pairing
Food and tone appear at the same time
Forward trace pairing
First tone, then food then tone disappear
Forward short-delay pairing
First tone and tone remains
Stimulus generalization
Similar to initial cs elicit cr
Stimilus discrimination
Niet alle honden, wel grote schattige kleine niet
Law of effects
a response followed by a satisfying consequence will be more likely to occur
Operant conditioning
Type of learning in which behavior is influenced by the consequences that follow it (skinnier box)