Language development Flashcards
with regard to language, understanding what other say
With regard to language, speaking to others
Taal is klanken, woorden , zinnen ect.
Smallest units of meaningful sound (lake vs rake)
Smallest unit of meaning in a language (dog 1, dogs 2 want zegt hond + meervoud)
Rule specifying how words from different categories (noun, verb ect.) can be combined
Knowledge about how language is used
The ability to use two languages
Syntactic development
Learning of how to use syntax in language
Brain half language
Infant-directed speech (IDS)
Mode of speech adults use to adres kids
Speech perception
the first step in language learning: sounds of native language
characteristics (ritme, tempo melody ect) of language spoken
Categorical perception
The perception of phonemes as belonging to discrete catogories
Voice onset time (VOT)
the length of time between when air passes through the lips and when the vocal cord starts vibrating
Perceptual narrowing
Na 12 maanden kunnen kinderen niet meer speech dat ze niet kennen tot zich nemen, na 8 maanden discrimineren ze speech sounds, sensitive to own language
Word segmentation
Where do words begin and end in fluent speech
Distributional properties
The phenomenon that in any language, certain sounds are more likely to appear together than others
Long, drawn-out sounds, OOHHH AHHHH
Repetitive constant vowel sequences, Bababa, manual babualing = repeated hand movements for sign learners, 7 months
Beginning of communicative competance
- Turn-taking learning how to use language to converse with others, passive and active
- Intersubjectivity / joint attention, 2 interacting partners that share a mutual understanding
Associating words and meaning
Productive vocabulary
Woorden die het kind kan zeggen
Holophrastic period
Period when children begin using the words in their small productive vocabulary one word at a time.
Use given word word in a broader context than is appropriate (alle dieren hond want 4 poten)
Fast mapping
The process of rapidly learning new word simply from hearing the contrastive use of a familiar and the unfamiliar word
Pragmatic cues
Aspects of social context used for word learning
Linguistic context
Children can infer the meaning of a novel word by taking cues from the linguistic context.
Grametical category
The way a word is used helps children to learn the meaning of words
Syntactic bootstrapping
The strategy of using the grammatical structure of the whole sentence to figure out the meaning
Cross-situational word learning
Determining word meanings by tracking the correlations between labels and meaning across scenes and contexts
Telegraphic speech
first sentence, two words, alleen esentiele
Overregulation errors
irrigular form of word treaded as if it was regular
Collective monologues
Kids talk along side one another, not with each other
Descriptions of past events that have basic structure (5 y)
Behaviorist theory Skinner
Parents teach kids to speech by means of reinforcement techniques
Nativist Chomsky
Laguag is not through reinforcement, use words never heard before.
Universal grammar
A proposed set of highly abstract, unconscious rules that are common in all languages, fundamentally similar.
Two dimension language
Nature nurture
Domain specific or general
Modularity hypothesis
the idea that human brain contains an innate, self-contained language module that is separate from what other aspects of cognitive functioning
a type of information-processing approach that emphasizes the stimultaneous activity of numerous interconnected processing units
Symbolic proficiency
Mastery of symbols to communicate
Dual representation
Treating a symbolic artifact both as a real object and a symbol for something other than itself
Representational art
3/4 jaar children begin trying to draw pictures of something
Word that looks a lot like its sounds koekoek
Syntatic knowledge
Word order rules
Parmatic knowledge
How to use language
Metalinguistic knowledge
knowledge about knowledge, what is correct and what interact