Cognitieve Development Flashcards
nature and nurture, continuity/discontinuity, the active child
Information processing
nature and nurture, How change occurs
nature and nurture, Continuity/dicontinuity
nature and nurture, Influence of the sociocultural context, how change occurs
nature and nurture, the active child
Advantages about knowing theories
- framework for understanding
- questions about human nature
- Better understanding of children
Piagets theorie
1.sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete and formal operational stages en assimilatie, accommodation en equilibration
Piaget was een…
Constructivist (kinderen construct knowledge zelf) Hypothese–>performing expirements–>drawing conclusions
The process by which people translate incoming information into a form that fits concepts they already understand
The process by which people adapt current knowledge structures in response to new experiences
the process by which children or other people balance assimilation and accommodation to create stable understanding
Piagets stage theory , discontinuity
- qualitate change (uitkomst, intent/geweten)
- Broad applicability (type of thinking about topics)
- Brief transitons (tussen gan tussen oude manier van denken en nieuwe manier)
- Invariant sequence (zelfde volgorde voor iedereen)
Sensorimotor stage
0-2 y
live in the here and now
sensory and motor abilities
Preoperational stage
2-7 y/o
- taal en mental imagery
- inability mental operations (egocentrism, water in glasses)
Concrete operational stage
- logisch denken (glas)
- kunnen nog niet experimenteren om hun believes te testen
Formal operational stage
12-hele leven
tot hink about abstract hypothetical situations, experiments are performable
Object permanence
The knowledge that an object continues to exist even when they are out of view
A-not-B error
The tendency to reach for a hidden object where it was last found than in the new location where it was last hidden.
vanaf 1 jaar leren ze dit pas goed te doen
Deferred imitation
the repetition of other peoples behavior a substantial time after it originally occurred
Symbolic representation
use of an object for another one (stok wordt toverstaf)
The tendency to preceive the world solely from ones point of few
the tendency to focus on a single, perceptual striking feature of an object or event (gewicht op wip i.p.v locatie)
Conservation concept
The idea that changing the appearance of an object does not necessarily change the objects other key properties. (munten)
Zwakte Piaget
- Piagets theory is vague about the mechanisms that give rise to childrens thinking and growth
- Infants and young children are more cognitively competent than Piaget recognized
- Piaget theory understates the contribution of the social world to cognitive development.
- The stage model depicts children thinking as being more consistent than it is.
Information-processing theories
A class of theories the focus on the structure of the cognitive system and the mental activity used to deploy attention and memory to solve problems
Task analysis
The research technique of specifying the goals, obstacle to their realization, and potential solution strategies involved in problem solving
Computer simulation
a type of mathematical modelthat expresses ideas about mental processes in precise ways
Problem solving
the process of attaining a goal by using a strategy to overcome an obstacle
types of memory processes
working memory, long-term memory and executive functioning
Working memory
Memory system that involves actively attending to, maintaining, and processing information.
Long-term memory
information retained on an enduring basis
1. factual knowledge
2. conceptional knowledge (concepts of justice)
3. procedural knowledge (voetbal pasen)
4. attitudes (cornflakes)
Executive functioning
control behavior and thoughts.
Key executive functions
- Inhibitions (zelf controle, telefoon voor een toets) - Preschool/elementry
- Enhancement of working memory (strategies) - steeds beter
- Cognitive flexibility (perpectief) -
Explenationd of memory development
- Basic processes
- strategies
- content knowledge
Basic processes
The simplest and most frequently used mental activity
Associating -> recognizing -> recalling
the process of representing in memory information that draws attention or is considered important
the process of repeating information multiple times to aid memory of it
Selective attention
The process of intentionally focusing on the information that is most relevant to the current goal
Content knowledge
improves recall of new material by making it easier to integrate the new material with existing understanding.
children remember more about topic of intrest
- coding, association and guides memory
Overlapping waves theory
an information-processing approach that emphasizes the variability of childrens thinking
why are kids bad at planning
- beste oplossing niet snelste
- Over optimistisch over abilities
- prefrontale cortex nog niet volgroeid
Core-knowledge approach
Approaches that view children as having some innate knowledge in domains of special evolutionary importance and domain specific learning mechanism for rapidly and effortlessly acquiring additional information in those domains
Domain Specific
Information about a particular content area
The theory that infants have innate knowledge of evolutionary important domains
Language acquisition device
domain within core-knowledge theories that propose that children have innate knowledge and specialized learning mechanism for language
The theory that infants build increasingly advanced understanding by combining rudimentary innate knowledge with subsequent experiences.
constructivists three theory with science
- identifying fundamental –> divide in basic category (people, animal, non living)
- Explain phenomena of few fundamental principles (food and water for animal)
- They explain events in the form of unobservable causes (kindje krijgen dieren door internal forces en niet external)
Sociocultural theories
Approach that emphasizes that other people and the surrounding culture contribute greatly to children’s development
Guided Participation
A process in which more knowledgeable individuals organize activities in ways that allow less knowledgeable people to learn
Social scaffolding
A process in which more competent people provide a temporary framework that supports childrens thinking at a high level than children could manage on their own.
Cultural tools
The innumerable products of human ingenuity that enhance thinking
Children are social learners, continuous change
Vygotsky internalization of thought process
- other peoples statements
- private speech (aloud)
- Private speech (internal)
- willen andere iets leren
2. willen leren van andere
Sociocultural theorist on cultur
Processes the same but content differs
The mutual understanding that people share during communication
Joint attention
A process in which social patterns intentionally focus on common referent in the external environment (heart intersubjectivity)
Dynamic-system theories
A class of theories that focus on how change occurs over time in complex systems
Cognitive system self organization
Integrating attention, memory, emotions and actions to adapt to a continuously changing environment. Soft assembly.
Mechanisms of change
change occurs through mechanisms of variation and selection
Use of different behaviors to pursue the same goal
Increasing choice of behavior that are effective in meeting goals and decreasing use of less effective behaviors
Relative succes
Increasingly rely on approach that produce desired outcomes
increasing choose approaches that meet goals more quickly with less effort
Lure to try something new
Major themes regarding development
Nature vs nurture role of child continuity vs discontinuity mechanism of change sociocultural context individual differences