LEADING Flashcards
the process of inspiring others to work hard to accomplish important tasks.
builds the commitments and enthusiasm for people to apply their talents to help
accomplish plans.
_________ defines leadership as a relationship between the leader and the led, and management as a function.
The _______ uses passion and emotion, while the _________ uses a more formal, rational method.
Types of Leaders
- Formal leaders
- Emergent, or informal leaders
evolve based on their expertise or referent power as it is expressed in the process of group activity.
Emergent, or informal leaders
appointed branch manager or committee chair or team captain and have the advantage of formal authority (including the power to reward and punish), but this only gives them the opportunity to prove themselves effective at leadership.
Formal leaders
Leadership Traits
- Physical qualities
- Personal attributes
- Character attributes
- Intellectual qualities
health, vitality, and endurance;
Physical qualities
personal magnetism, cooperativeness, enthusiasm, ability to inspire, persuasiveness, forcefulness, and tact;
Personal attributes
integrity, humanism, self-discipline, stability, and industry;
Character attributes
mental capacity, ability to teach others, and a scientific approach to problems.
Intellectual qualities
meaning of MBTI
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
- (E) Extraversion <> (I) Introversion
- (S) Sensing <> (N) Intuition
- (T) Thinking <> (F) Feeling
- (J) Judging <> (P) Perceiving
The most favored Energy Source: The way people prefer to interact with the world, and the way they prefer to receive stimulation and energy.
(E) Extraversion <> (I) Introversion
The most favored Perceiving Mental Process: The way people prefer to get data.
(S) Sensing <> (N) Intuition
The favored Judging Mental Process: The way people prefer to make decisions.
(T) Thinking <> (F) Feeling
The mental process leads to Outside World Orientation: The way people prefer to orient their lives
(J) Judging <> (P) Perceiving
the process of getting the cooperation of others in accomplishing a desired goal.
People become leaders by appointment or through _____________.
are appointed branch managers, committee chairs, or team captains and have the advantage of formal authority as well as the power to reward or punish, but this only gives them the opportunity to prove themselves effective at leadership.
Formal or “titular” leaders
evolve from their expertise or referent power as it is expressed in the process of group activity.
Informal or “emergent” leaders
When _____________ is then appointed or elected as a formal leader, they have a double opportunity to be effective.
emergent leader
Leadership Theories
- Leadership Grid (Managerial Grid)
- Michigan and Ohio State Studies.
- Hersey and Blanchard Life Cycle Theory
- Leadership Continuum
developed the leadership grid, also called the
managerial grid,
Robert R. Blake
Jane S. Mouton
an approach to analyzing the style of management (that is, collective leadership) in terms of two dimensions
Leadership Grid (Managerial Grid)
two dimensions in Leadership Grid :
concern for people
concern for production (now concern for results).
which individual objectives are achieved in the process of achieving organizational goals, is the ultimate in effective management.
team management, (9,9)
The ____ can be used with related analyses and interventions to achieve organizational development by helping the management of client organizations identify their current management style, and then work toward the recommended (9,9) style.
This approach assumes that concern only for people (1,9) leads to a workplace that is enjoyable but not productive
Country club management
concern only for results (9,1) leads to a nonresponsive Theory X workforce,
Authority-compliance management
settling for adequate performance and morale in (5,5) _____________ (once called ______________) leads only to mediocrity
middle-of-the-road management
organization man or bureaucratic management
low concern for both people and results
impoverished management.
conducted a series of studies comparing the effectiveness of job-centered and employee-centered supervision.
Rensis Likert and associates at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research
The first type (__________) emphasizes the work to be performed, while the second (__________) emphasizes development of effective work groups.
__________ refers to the task actions of the leader to define who does what and how, while _________ is a measure of the leader’s concern for followers.
Initiating structure
proposed an extension of the model above (under the name life cycle or maturity theory) in which the most effective leadership progresses with time through the four quadrants of Table 3-2
Hersey and Blanchard
For example, in teaching a child a simple task such as tying a shoe, a parent initially concentrates on the details of the task (__________).
high IS, low C
while continuing to correct task errors, the parent praises the child for successes (___________),
high IS, high C
continuing praise after the task has been learned (_________).
low IS, high C
Finally, when the task has been ingrained, it no longer requires the attention of the parent (______________)
low IS, low C
proposed a continuum of leadership style extending from complete retention of power by the manager to complete freedom for subordinates (they now prefer the term nonmanagers to subordinates).
Tannenbaum and Schmidt
Although they identify seven styles of leadership along the continuum, others have emphasized these four:
a. Autocratic (Telling)
b. Diplomatic (Selling)
c. Consultative (Consulting)
d. Participative (Joining)
Manager makes decisions with little or no involvement of nonmanagers.
Autocratic (Telling)
Manager makes decisions without consultation but tries to persuade nonmanagers to accept them (and might even modify them if they object strongly).
Diplomatic (Selling)
Manager obtains nonmanagers’ ideas and uses them in decision making.
Consultative (Consulting)
Manager involves nonmanagers heavily in the decision (and may even delegate the decisions to them completely).
Participative (Joining).
Tannenbaum and Schmidt proposed that a manager should consider three types of forces before deciding what management style to employ:
- Forces in the manager
- Forces in the subordinate (or nonmanager)
- Forces in the situation
The manger’s value system regarding leadership and personal leadership inclinations, confidence in the nonmanagers, and feelings of security (or “tolerance for ambiguity”) in an uncertain situation.
Forces in the manager
Greater delegation can be provided when nonmanagers have a need for independence, are ready to assume responsibility, can tolerate ambiguity, are interested in the problem, understand and relate to the goals of the organization, have the necessary knowledge and experience, and have learned to expect a share in decision making.
Forces in the subordinate (or nonmanager).
The type of organization and the amount of delegation common in it, the experience and success the nonmanagers have had in working together as a group, the nature and complexity of the problem, and the pressure of time.
Forces in the situation