Leadership in Sport Flashcards
Define leadership?
“the process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal” (Northhouse, 2001, p3)
What were the two types of leaders that Carron states there were (1981)?
Prescribed- appointed by an outside organising body
Emergent- come from the group itself either because of skill/ ability
What makes up the components of the basic psychological model?
PSYCHOLOGICAL OUTCOMES (commitment, confidence, motivation, satisfaction)
BEHAVIOUR/ PERFORMANCE- impact of athletes psychology on their behaviours
eg: time spent doing extra training, effort invested into training
What are the three types of leadership?
Democratic/ person orientated
Laissez- faire
What are the three main approaches to how someone becomes a leader?
Trait Approach:
The ‘Great Man Theory’
Leaders are born not made
Successful leaders can have certain personality traits that make it likely that they will be leaders no matter the situation they are in
No definitive sets of traits that characterise a good leader
Behavioural Approach:
Good leaders are made not born
Anyone can be TAUGHT to be a good leader
Links with social learning theory
Interactional Theory:
Considers other factors
that could affect the effectiveness of leadership
mainly the interaction between individual and situation
What are the two types of orientations when it comes to leaders?
Task orientated learners
People orientated learners
What did Horn (2002) state about applying leadership to sports?
Despite appeal of situational theories and other interactional approaches to the study of leadership, when sport specific research emerged the results provided minimal support to theories derived from outside sports contexts (Horn, 2002)
What did Chelladurai and Carron, (1978) state about leadership being applied to sports?
Some theorists suggest the main problem with attempting to transpose general theories of leadership to sport settings is the failure to consider the unique characteristics of sports teams.
Explain the Multidimensional Model of Leadership
Anna Loose
Says Relationship
- Leader Behaviour= ACTUAL- what the leader does in a situation- often determined by coaches and experience
PREFFERED- behaviour that flowers would like to see in the leader- determined by the group
REQUIRED- the behaviour needed and required by the situation/ task
- Antecedents- situational characteristics= environmental conditions, number of members involved, time constraints
Leader Characteristics- skill, qualifications, personality, experience
Member Characteristics- age, gender, perosnlity
Define transformational leadership?
“Transformational leadership takes place when leaders go beyond their own self-interests and inspire, encourage, and stimulate others to exceed minimally expected standards”
A transformational leader is a person who stimulates and inspires (transform) followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes (Robbins and Coulter, 2007).
Define transactional leadership?
Involves a series of exchanges or transactions between leader and follower
Whereby leaders make use of rewards and reinforcement to foster compliance and encourage followers to meet previously agreed-upon standards.
Define and explain the Meta-Cognitive model of Vision, Support and Challenge?
First developed by Hardy and Arthur in a military context
(Arthur, 2008)
Mega-cognitive model of Vison, Support and Challenge
*Creating an inspirational VISION for the future
*Providing the necessary SUPPORT to achieve the vision
*Providing the necessary CHALLENGE to achieve the vison
What are some issues with transformational leadership?
Reliance on correlation data-relationship between variables- cannot infer causality
Over emphasis on the theory of leadership process – explains leaders influence on individual followers, not on the group
Insufficient specification of situational variables in transformational leadership
Theory does not explicitly identify any situation where transformational leadership is detrimental
Explain the concept of Distributive Leadership?
A large range of individuals are brought into the leadership process not just one coach
eg: coaches, captain, manager, athelte