Group Dynamics and Team Cohesion Flashcards
Define “Group”
GROUP= a collection of individuals who hold a shared sense of purpose and mutual influence
Define “Team”
TEAM= “We-ness”- collective sense of identity- structured modes of communication
Norms- social rules that guide members- task independence= teamwork
What’s the linear perspective to group formation and what’s Tuckman’s team and Group dev model?
Move progressively, and linearly, through different stages
Critical issues in each stage
When successfully dealt with groups move on
(A graph detailing the dev of a group)
Define “group cohesion”?
(Carron, Brawley and Widmeyer)
A dynamic process that is reflected in the tendency for a group to stick together and remain untied in pursuit of its instrumental objectives
(Carron, Brawley and Widmeyer)
What is Carron’s Conceptual Model of Cohesion?
Carron’s model outlines four major antecedents affecting the development of cohesion in sport and exercise settings:
* Environmental factors * Personal factors * Team factors * Leadership factors
These affect team factors, cohesion and therefore group and individual outcomes
What are the characteristics of cohesion?
-Multidimensional- numerous factors cause a group to stick together
-Dynamic – changes over time, practical interventions could facilitate positive change
-Instrumental- groups are created for a purpose
-Affective- social interactions produce feelings among members
How is cohesion multidimensional?
Task Cohesion- degree to which the members of a team work together to achieve a common goal- Task Cohesion relates to how members work together or complete a task successfully. = task/ goal centred
Social Cohesion- degree to which members of a team like each other and enjoy each other’s company- Social Cohesion is concerned with formation of groups which provide support and friendship= people centred
What are the two main elements of team cohesion?
(Carron et al, 1998)
Group Integration - social and task
Individual Attraction- social and task
What did Steiner propose (Steiner, 1972)
“In 1954 Comrey and Deskin investigated the relation between individual and group performance to see how faulty processes reduce productivity. Using a pegboard assembly task and with students taking part individually and in groups, they found that no matter what level of motor skills individuals brought to the task, when two or more people tried to act in precise ways, their ability to anticipate one another’s movements and time their movements was as important as their own movements”
What does the Ringleman Effect state?
As group size increases there may be a decline of individual effort and potential productivity”
“The More the Merrier”- doesn’t work in sport
(Inhgam et al, 1974) Social Loafing?
Motivational Loss- social loafing- co-ordination loss?
Loss of identity within a group
What’s the GEQ?
Group Environment Questionnaire
(Widmeyer, Brawley and Carron, 1985)- GEQ
-Individual v Group- measures this
-Task and Social Cohesion- measures this
-Reliable, Valid Measure- the higher the score, the better
-18 questions broken down, on the left side you tick your personal involvement and on the right its questions relating to the group
e.g.: “I am no happy with the amount of involvement I make”
Widmeyer Study on participants measuring how performance is affected by group size?
Widmeyer et al, 1990)- Antecedents: Team/ Squad Size- how do numbers affect cohesion
STUDY: 3-on-3 competitive recreational basketball
Total Participants : 144 (84 males, 60 females)
Team size- 3, 6, 9
1.Social cohesion was highest for 6
2.ATG-Task decreased from 3 to 6 to 9- attraction to the group for task decreases as numbers increased
3.Performance was best with 6, worst with 9
What are the antecedents to cohesion?
Roles- formal/ informal
Team Stability- low manager turnover more effective
What are the antecedents to cohesion?
Roles- formal/ informal
Team Stability- low manager turnover more effective
What did (Bloom et al, 2003) state about cohesion?
‘When I think about team building, I think it is simply bringing together a group of people, establishing some mutual team goals and then getting everybody to commit to the achievement of those goals”