Leadership Exam 2 Flashcards
A nursing leader observes conflict and responds based on what principle?
General agreement and support is more important than total agreement from the team.
Plagarism is…? (2)
Unethical and Illegal
Information technology has enhanced privacy/confidentiality for…?
Charge nurse makes decisions for staff based on…?
Patient needs?
Failure to rescue can be a result of…?
Failure to monitor status
A jey source of information for risk management is the…?
organizations occurrence and incident reporting system.
PDSA and meaning
Plan - obj, plans, predictions
Do - tests, dz identified, analyzed
Study - in-depth analysis of data
Act - ▲ based on what learned
Barrier to Tele Health in context to cost/benefit analysis
Limited reimbursement mechanisms
Institute of Medicines 6 Pillars
Safe Effective Efficient Timely Patient Centered Equitable
Full Time Equivalent (FTE)?
A full-time position of 40 hrs/week
Organizations (influence and success determiner) vs. Structural Characteristics
Org - hardware, influenced by finance from all budgeting, success by customer satisfaction
Struct - teaching status, urban density, policy based.
Privileging vs. Credentialing
Priv - org authorizes physician skills
Cred - ensures physician meets reqs.
3 Major components of Budget
3 Major Budget functions
Management of Activities/Services
Control of Spending
Retention importance?
lack of = ↓ morale, pt care, ↑ morale, turnover
Turnover cost
2x nurse’s salary b/c hiring, orientation, maintenance
Finkel 9’s Acts (NO 4’s)
No discrimination
No sexual harassment
No drug screens
Provide insurance!
Appraiser’s job and Performance Appraisal
provide honest evaluation to improve staff performance PAST job requirements
Assess the Need
Planning, Training, Implementation
Formal vs. Informal Team
Formal - created w/ purpose
Informal - not recognized, less structural
Maslow, Herzberg, McCelland motivation theory basis’
M - needs met = motivated
Herzberg - satisfiers v. dissatisfiers
McCelland - need for achievement, affiliation, power
TEAMWORK makes the…?!
Stages of Conflict (4) and description.
Latent - anticipation
Perceived - awareness of
Felt - anxiety/anger r/t
Manifest - POS/NEG event
How to prevent Conflict (3)
Identify barriers, create ▲, preventative measures
Effective exchange of information (verbal/nonverbal)
Negative communication (3)
failure to express feelings, acknowledge other’s feelings, and is disrespectful
Types of Power
Legitimate, Reward, Coercive, Referent, Expert, Informational, Persuasive
from position, can reward, can punish, admired, from expertise, has resource, good argument
Awareness levels (4)
+self +others = open
+self -others = hidden
-self -others = unknown
- self +others = blind spot
Communication Styles (my/their > task v. power)
My Task = assertive
My Power = aggressive
Their task = cooperative
Their power = submissive
Giving vs. Receiving criticism
Target behavior, offer help in ▲
Listen before speaking, if valid make ▲
Conflict Management is done with…? (2)
Assertiveness and Cooperativeness
1 reason for workplace conflict
Ineffective communication
3 additional reasons for workplace conflict
failure to step up
coming on too strong
uninformed/disconnected leader
4 Conflict Management Styles
+assertion +cooperation = collaborating
+assertion -cooperation = competing
-assertion -cooperation = avoiding
-assertion +cooperation = accomodating
transfers responsibility but retains accountability
5 Rights of Delegation
Task, circumstance, person, direction/communication, supervision
Common, Criminal, Civil law
rules/principles of past legal decisions
offense against general public
rights of individuals
greatest good for greatest number, it screws someone over.
Doctrines: Right, Duty, Virtue
based on moral/individual
based on rules/authority
based on virtuosity (compassion, courage, etc.)
ANA CODE (9) of a nurse
be therapeutic commit to pt promote/advocate good HP responsible/accountable for delegation owes duties to slef maintain/improve HP environments advance profession via edcuation collaborate keep the title clean
“5mings” of Team Development
Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning
4 Stages of Conflict
Latent - anticipation
Perceived - awareness
Felt - anxiety/anger r/t
Manifest - POS/NEG evnt
Platos/Socrates 4 Ethical Virtues vs. Christianity/Judaism/Islam 3 Virtues
Fortitude, Wisdom, Temperance, Justice
Faith, Hope, Unselfish love
Ethics terms:
Autonomy, non/beneficence, justice, veracity, fidelity, paternalism, respect
own rights do good/not good equality truth telling promise keeping most exp. makes decision recognizing autonomy
Ethics, Aesthetics, Doctrinal, Innate/Inborn
good v bad
pleasing v displeasing
political v ideological
survival v reproduction
ability to get things done
what you feel when not recognized, appreciated, paid attention to.
APA Citation Styles (3 when to italicize, 3 enders)
Whole book - italicize book (1st)
Book Chpt - italicize chapter (2nd)
Journal - italicize journal (2nd)
End with either city:publisher, retrieved from…?, or DOI
Patient census (3)
length of stay
operative expenses
Views of funding:
Nationwide vs. Health Care Org.
Nation - focuses on critical expenses (delivery/reimbursement)
Org - self-survival (income/outcome)
Public Access Ownership # of Beds LoS Accreditation Licensure Teaching Vertical Integration Multi-hospital Systems
community, Ø insurance needed
non/for profit, faith/govt
6 - 500