Community Exam 1 Flashcards
Goal of Public Health Nursing according to the Institute of Medicine (IOM)
Focus on cost, quality, and access to services
promote/protect health with nursing, social, and public health sciences
Community HEALTH Nursing vs. Community BASED Nursing vs. Public Health Nursing
CH - disease prevention and health promotion
CB - acute and chronic care + promote independence
PH - cost, quality, access
Public Health Functions? (3)
Policy Development
Is Public Health a specialty?
It requires a special knowledge that brings services together
Priorities for PHNs?
ADPIE’ing the community
Florence Nightingale William Rathbone Lillian Wald/Mary Brewster Ada Mayo Stewart Carla Barton
Organized nursing practice/education (1858)
Started first nursing association (1859)
Started Henry Settlement (services, 1893)
Started Occupational Health (1895)
Started Red Cross (1881) which cared for people outside large cities
2 Points of Cultural Competence
- Maintain a broad, objective, and open attitude toward individuals and their cultures
- Avoid seeing all individuals as alike
Cultural Brokering
advocating to meet patients culture on behalf of the client
Cultural Accommodation
neglecting personal concerns to satisfy anothers
Cultural Awareness
Self-examination of own beliefs as they influence behavior
Cultural Imposition
imposing one’s values on another
negative deep reaction about a group/person
attributing certain beliefs about a group to an individual without attention to individual differences
belief that own standards are best and judge others with them
Ethical Decision Making Principles (4)
Respect autonomy - they choose
Non-maleficence - HIPPA
Beneficence - time/cost-effective
Distributive Justice - fair distribution
Steps to developing a Health Education Program (6)
Identify population Select theory Consider educational principles Examine educational issues Design/Implement Evaluate effects
3 Points of EBP Decision Making
Balance of…
Best Research Evidence
Clinical Expertise
Patient Values
Hierarchy of Evidence (7)
Randomized, Controlled, 2Blind Randomed, Controlled Cohort Case Control Case Series Case Reports Ideas, Opinions
Grading Strength of Evidence (3)
Barriers to EBP (5)
Knowledge Funding Compliance Resource Time
Follower Behavior
seeks/accepts direciton
Gatekeeper Behavior
keeps outsiders out
Leader Behavior
guides/directs activity
Maintenance Specialist Behavior
provides physi/psychosocial support, holds group together
Peacemaker Behavior
reconciles conflict
Task Specialist Behavior
focuses movement
Parish Nurse
Responses to health and wellness needs of populations of faith communities (partnered with church)
Parish Nursing - Congregation/Institution based model
development is from community/nurse completes contractual relationships
Parish Nursing Confidentiality
UTMOST IMPORTANCE, encourage family to share as it promotes self-healing
School nurses in approaching parents on difficult topics
It is the nurses’ responsibility to approach/assess what they think of topic
Roles of a School Nurse (7)
Direct Caregiver Health Educator Case Manager Consultant Counselor Community Outreach
Steps to developing a Program (5)
Ad - AEA2D - Bf CDEFi
A. Describe problem B. Formulate Plan Assess population Establish boundaries Assess feasibility Assess resources Determine tools needed
C. onceptualize problem
D. etail Plan
E. valuate Plan
F. Implement Plan
Aspects of Program Evaluation (7)
Relevance Adequacy Progress Efficiency Effectiveness Impact Sustainability
Health Economics
concern with how scarce resources affect the healthcare industry
Tertiary Prevention
Prevent rehabilitation
Epidemiologic Triangle
H+A+E = V
Host, Agent, Environment contribute to Vector
Web of Causation
diseases are holistic
Role of Public Health Nurse (5)
Community Involvement Risk assessment Risk communication Epidemiological Investigation Policy Development
Phases of Disaster Management (4)
any natural/human-made incident that causes destruction that requires assistance
Passive Active Sentinel Special Surveillance Systems Syndromic Surveillance
report to local health department active employee searches key health events combo of them all anti-bioterrorism
Threats to future Public Health Nursing
- ↓ cost ↑ quality
- ↓ cost care plans
- balance between consumer/purchaser demands
Public vs. Private Support
Public operate on annual budget like Medicare/Caid and are reimbursed by the government
Private support take resoruce from insurance, employers, managed care, and individuals