Family Exam1 Flashcards
13 New Topics for Healthy People 2020 (13, lol)
Overall GOAL?!
Adolescent Health Blood Dz/Safety Dementia + Alcheimers Early/Middle childhood Genomics Global Health Health Related to QoL & WB Healthcare-Associated Infx LGBT HP Older Adults Preparedness Sleep Health Social Determinants of Health
↑ HPliteracy
Leading Health Indicators (LHI’s)
Health Care
Preventative Service
Environmental Quality
Maternal, Infant, Child, and Mental Health
Physical Activity
Oral Health
Reproductive/Sexual Health
Social Determinants
Substance Abuse/Tobacco Use
Purpose of LHI’s (3)
Provide guides for national health assessments, interventions, and benchmarks for measuring
Theory vs. Framework
Theory - abstract, general ideas of concepts and relations to make sense of complex phenomenon using patterns (example: Family Nursing)
Framework - Models to provide foundation of nursing problems which r/in disciplines (example family social science, therapy, and nursing)
Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning
Ind. parts create whole
Symptoms -> Dz
Ded. whole breakdown into parts
Dz -> Symptoms
▲’s of traditional families (3)
↑ single/unmarried parents
↓ “family households” or 2 parent house holds
↑ variety of living arrangements for young adults (roommates, parents, alone, partnerships)
▲ Yadults (3)
↑ debt, ↑w/out HPinsurance, ↑ cohabitation 50% before marriage, 34% with children
Definition of family? (5)
> NO universal definition
2 or more individuals who depend on each other emotionally, physically, and economically (self-defined)
Differ r/t discipline (legal, biological, social, psychological)
U.S Census says: family = 2+ people living together r/t birth, marriage, adoption
Dependent on “Social norms”
Social Norms “Family” (5)
Married/remarried w/ bio/adopt children Cohabitating gay people Single w/ children Kinship care (2 sisters or brothers) Grandparents raising children Ø parents
4 Family views (4)
Family as…
Context (Traditional) - pt then fam
Client (Family Centered) - whole fam first!
System (Family therapy) - fam is pt
Component of Society (Community HP) - as name states
Family Health?
dynamic state of well-being
All HP interconnected and fx each other
Traits of a Health Family (15)
Communicates Table Time Affirms Teaches respect, right from wrong Develops trust Play and Humor Balance Interaction Shares leisure time Share responsibility Share religion Abounds rituals/tradition Respects privacy Values service Admits problems/seeks help
Health Teacher
Teaches family
Coordinates care
Delivers or supervises care
Advocates for and empowers family
Environmental Specialist
Consult when asked
Therapeutic problem-solving
Involved in tracking dz
Modifies environment
Clarify/Interpreter Surrogate Researcher Role Model Case Manager
Interprets data to families in all settings
Substitutes for fam. member
Identify problems and find solutions
as name states
Temporary: coordinates between family and HPc sys.
Genogram Specs. (4)
And what is it not?
3 generations
Helps nurse/fam systematically think
Addresses impact of structure, fx, and processes
Must be universal to avoid misunderstanding
Ø a genetic pedigree
Ecomap Specs (4)
Information of sys. outside nuclear family
Visualization of family in communty
Overview includes extended family
Involves diagnostic language
Family Clinical Reasoning Web (Nursing Process PPT) (4)
Clusters individual pieces of data
Pull from structure function, developmental, stress, and HP promotion theroy
Includes MANY family factors such as communication, roles, and beliefs
Termination Phase (5)
Work through grief Let it go Help w/ decisions Each fam is diff. Generate identity
Family Assessment/Intervention Model (3)
Develops by Berkey/Hanson
Stress and rx to stress
All of sys must be protected or it ceases to exist
Line of Defense vs. Resistance
normal response to environment vs. fx to stabilize
3 areas of FAIM
Wellness promotion
Family Rx/Instability
Restoration of fx/stability
FIAM 2 types of info & 3 Types of prevention
Qualitative and Quantitative
Primary - ↑ health and prevention
Secondary - attain stability post-stressed
Tertiary - maintain stability once stability achieved
Universal Stressors (5)
Physio, psycho, sociocultural, developmental, and spiritual
Effective Communication.
2 People
3 Events
Question asked… info given/understood… comfort provided
Culturally Sensitive Care Steps (4)
Know self as starting point
Identify bias
Find neutrality
Use curiosity to understand culture/family
Smallest unit of culture
Cultural Sensitivity is more about being…
OPEN rather than understanding
Nurse traits for culturally sensitive work (4)
Home vs. Clinic Visits Pros/Cons
Home vs Clinic Pros
Home - more family inclusion
Clinic - easier access to services and formal discussion
Home vs. Clinic Cons
Home - violate sanctuary and may have difficult social tone
Clinic - ↑ social gap b2n family and nurse
Social Policy.
What is
4 Factors impacting.
Course of action developed by disparities promoting SJW.
Impacted by:
Current beliefs and laws
Social obligation/support
3 growing disparities
Elder - day cares?
Women - abortion and birth? 47 states can deny birth services
Gay - ↑ stigma, suicide, delay HPc, EtOH/tobacco, violence. delayed HPc
Gay facts (6)
Ø legal in all states ↑ Egalitarian but Ø genderless imba childwork and housework ♀♀ ↑% parents than ♂♂ ↑% adoption Parenting style > ♂♀
Language barriers, ad-hocs vs, certified, and phones
Barriers complicate pt are
Ad-hoc = family member or non-certified person who can screw it up b/c bias and etc.
Certified = use whenever possible!
Phone is great but Ø non-verbal comms and +another ALIEN! Usually double phone is used.
Health literacy
Ability to read, understand, and ACT upon HPinfo.
“Degree ppl can obtain, process, and understand basic HPinfp” National Network of Libraries and Medicine
2003 National Assessment statistics (4)
Info normally gained from…?
14% below basic
21% basic
53% intermediate
12% proficient
Tele or Radio
Quantitative Literacy.
What is?
2 Stats.
Skill req. for understanding written med info.
20-30% med prescriptions are never filled
50% prescribed for chronic dz not taken as prescribed
Medical Jargon?
Think family!
Trends of HPc today (Affordable Care Act)
↑ HPinsurance
↓ HPdisparities
Will take time
Medicare age, # covered
65+, covers 50m ppl
Medicaid fx
Federal-state program for low-income, managed by state
State Child Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) fx
address ↓ HPinsur. for children
Children Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA) fx, # covered
provides resource/option to ↑ HPconveracy for children on Medical and SCHIP. covers 40m children
Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP) fx
pregnant care up to 2 months post delivery, infant care for 1 year