Leadership Flashcards
Guidance of others in their pursuits, often
by organizing, directing, coordinating, supporting, and motivating their efforts; also, the ability to lead others.
The tendency to overestimate the amount of influence and control leaders exert on
their groups and their groups’ outcomes.
Romance of leadership
Working effectively with a leader and
other group members.
A descriptive model of leadership which maintains that most leadership behaviors
can be classified as either performance maintenance or relationship maintenance.
Task-relationship model
A conceptual analysis of the factors that combine to reduce or eliminate the need
for a leader.
Leadership substitutes theory
The process by which an individual becomes formally or informally, perceptually or
behaviorally, and implicitly or explicitly recognized as the leader of a formerly leaderless group.
Leadership emergence
States that successful leaders possess certain characteristics that mark them for greatness, and that such great leaders shape the course of history
Great leader theory
States that history is determined primarily
by the “spirit of the times” rather than by the actions and choices of great leaders.
Zeitgeist theory
The component of social intelligence that relates to one’s capacity to accurately perceive emotions, to use information about emotions when making decisions, and to monitor and control one’s own and others’ emotional reactions.
Emotional intelligence
Group members’ taken-for-granted assumptions about the traits, characteristics, and qualities that distinguish leaders from the people they lead.
Implicit leadership theories (ILTs)
A conceptual analysis of sex differences developed by Alice Eagly recognizing that men
and women take on different types of roles in many societies, and that these role expectations generate gender stereotypes and differences in the behavior of women
and men.
Social role theory
A conceptual analysis of the implicit psychological processes thought to defend individuals from the emotionally terrifying
knowledge that they are mortal and will someday die.
Terror management theory (TMT)
Posits that a leader’s success is determined by his or her leadership style and the favorability of the group situation; more generally, any analysis of leadership that suggests that the effectiveness of leaders
depends on the interaction of their personal characteristics and the group situation.
Contingency theory
An indirect measure, developed by Fred Fiedler, of the tendency to lead by stressing the task (low LPC) or relationships (high
Least Preferred Co-Worker Scale (LPC)
A theory of management and leadership, proposed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton, assuming that people vary in their concern for results and their concern for people, and that individuals who are high on both dimensions (9,9) are the best leaders.
Leadership Grid
A dyadic, relational approach to leadership assuming that leaders develop exchange relationships with each of their subordinates, and that the quality of these leader–member
exchange (LMX) relationships influences subordinates’ responsibility, decision influence, access to resources, and performance.
Leader–member exchange theory (LMX)
A traditional form of leadership that involves contributing time, effort, and other
resources in the pursuit of collaborative goals in exchange for desired outcomes.
Transactional leadership
An inspiring method of leading others that involves elevating one’s followers’ motivation, confidence, and satisfaction, by uniting
them in the pursuit of shared, challenging goals and changing their beliefs, values, and needs.
Transformational leadership