LE 2 CONCEPTS (M6) Flashcards
American uses __________ of water per day. While, Filipinos use ___________ of water per day
300 L; 80 to 120 L
presence of elevated concentrations of substances in water, sediment or organisms, not necessarily means pollution unless, standard limits are exceeded
Water contamination
- Occurs when a body of water is adversely affected due to the addition of large amounts of materials to the water.
- When the water body is unfit for its intended use
Water Pollution
Pollution sources that could be directly pointed out or identified
Point Sources
delivers pollutants indirectly by passing through the continents (land surface) to the nearest water body à multiple discharge points
Non-point Sources
Any materials that can be oxidized in the receiving water with the consumption of molecular oxygen
Oxygen Demanding Materials
most important parameter for rivers, in
order for aquatic organisms to survive
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
- Affects fishes that live only in cool water
- Increase the rate of oxygen depletion à higher temp leads to faster metabolism for organisms and decrease in oxygen dissolution (reaeration)
Heat (Temperature)
allowable change in temp.
3 degree Celcius
Are considered pollutants when present in large amounts
a rapid increase in the population of algae in an aquatic system
Algal Bloom
Contaminates shallow groundwater (100 feet or less) and usually comes from fertilizers.
Gets in water from industrial processes and mining
- Causes problems because it separates out of the water and forms particulates (sediment)
- it tastes bad if it gets in our drinking water and can coat fish’s gills.
disease-causing organisms
General group of bacteria from animal wastes. It uses up available oxygen. Also causes E. coli disease.
Coliform Bacteria
- Organic and inorganic particles that are carried by the wastewater into a
receiving water - reduce clarity of water, also usefulness and value of the water (lower economic
value since perceived as dirty water)
Suspended Solids
can be consumed w/o concern for adverse health
Potable Water
pleasant to drink but not necessarily safe
Palatable Water
- Measured in Pt-Co (Platinum-Cobalt) units or True color units (Tcu)
- Can also be measured in absorbance at specific wavelength (nm), using a colorimeter or spectrophotometer
- For monitoring and aesthetic purpose
- Subjective measurement
Taste and Odor
Caused by suspended solids in
the water, which scatter light
- Should be measured in situ
- For compliance monitoring and control
A measure of ability to carry an electrical current, which is actually carried by ions
Represents the total amount of inorganic and organic substance in the water
Total Dissolved Solids
- The amount of oxygen gas dissolved in a given volume of water at a particular temperature and pressure (mg/L)
- The most important parameter for rivers
Dissolved Oxygen Content or DO
respiration of organisms, benthic demand, organics oxidation (major)
Common Sinks
photosynthesis, reaeration (major)
Common Sources
Amount of oxygen required by microorganisms to decompose the organic matter in a sample of water
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Amount of oxygen needed to chemically oxidize organic compounds present in wastewater
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Determined by oxidation at high temperature and use of a suitable catalyst
Total Oxygen Demand
- Presence of multi-valent cations
- Expressed usually in mg/L as CaCO3
- Makes water not lather well
Substances that oxidize in the receiving body of water with the consumption of dissolved oxygen
Oxygen-Demanding Wastes
quantifies the theoretical required amount of oxygen to oxidize a substance to carbon dioxide
Theoretical Oxygen Demand (ThOD)
The amount of oxygen to completely decompose or stabilize all the biodegradable organics in a given volume of water
Ultimate BOD
The reaction rate (k) is dependent on the following:
- Nature of the waste
- Ability of the organisms in the system to use the waste
- Temperature
- Not all water depths reach 100%
saturation - DO can remain below 100% due to
the respiration of aquatic organisms
and microbial decomposition
the imaginary water boundary water temperature begins to decline
Aims to protect the country’s water bodies from pollution from land-based sources
Philippine Clean Water Act (RA 9275) (2004)
- It repealed the DAO 1990-34 and modified the DAO 1990-35, both of which were the standards followed for the classification of water bodies, and effluent standard quality, respectively.
- Water quality parameters to be monitored are set per industry.
Water Quality Guidelines and General Effluent Standards of 2016 or DAO 2016-08
Water Body Classification and Usage of Freshwater
- Class AA: watersheds
- Class A: sources of water supply
- Class B: recreation
- Class C: fishery water
- Class D: navigable waters