LE 1 CONCEPTS (M5.3) Flashcards
The Largest Landfill on Earth
The Great Pacific Garbage
operated and used with the least
consideration to environmental protection
Open dumpsite
a progression from open dumping,
enhancement on improvements of the facility to mitigate hazards to health, public safety and to the environment
as a whole
Controlled dumpsite
a facility which ensures public safety
and environmental health is protected
Sanitary landfill
Method of disposing refuse on land
without creating nuisance or hazards
to public health safety by utilizing the
principles of engineering to confine
the refuse to the smallest possible
volume and to cover it periodically
with a layer of earth
Sanitary Landfilling
Landfill Stages
- Costing
- Site Selection
- Design
- Construction
- Operation
- Closure
- Post-closure
liquid that has percolated
through solid waste and has
extracted dissolved or
suspended materials
Placed on the bottom and lateral sides
of landfill. Main purpose is to isolate the solidvwaste and prevent contamination of the surrounding soil and groundwater
Liner System
Low-permeability soils (clays, silty-clays, clayey sands, silty sands, soil-bentonite mixtures)
Compacted clay liners (CCL)
Low permeability material that is thin and flexible
Composite liner which is comprised of two or more low-permeability components made of different materials in contact with each other
Geosynthetic clay liners (GCL)
permeable geosynthetic comprised
solely of textiles; usually made from
polypropylene or polyester polymers formed into fibers or yarns and finally into a woven or nonwoven fabric
a geosynthetic material similar in
structure to a geogrid, consisting of integrally connected parallel sets of ribs overlying similar sets at various angles for in-plane drainage of liquids or gases
Used to collect the leachate produced in a landfill, to prevent the buildup of leachate head on the liner
Leachate Collection and Removal System (LCRS)
The 2 primary constituents in a landfill are ___________ and _____________
methane and carbon dioxide
Spread 1-ft thick clay soil. Compact to 6in or 150mm
Daily Covers
Alternative Daily Covers
- Plastic Tarp
- Foams
- Hydromulch
Providing foundation for roads for the collection vehicles as well as draining the rainwater away from the landfill sites which are to be left exposed for considerably long period
Intermediate Covers
- Consists of barrier and drainage layers
- Main purpose is to minimize water infiltration into the landfill to
reduce the amount of leachate generated after closure - Grass and other plants cover the municipal solid waste landfill
Final Cover System
Recommended Depths of Cover
Daily = 0.15 m
Intermediate = 0.30 m
Final = 0.60 m