Le-013 EDP Flashcards
What does AER stand for?
Acutely Elevated Risk
means any situation negatively affecting the health or safety of an individual, family, group or place, where agencies are permitted by the Privacy Commissioner of Ontario to share personal information in order to address the heightened risk.
What are the authorities for a police officers ability to apprehend a person under the mental health act?
where the preconditions of section 17 of the mental health act, exist or where a Form directs police to do so) or under the authority of the Criminal Code (i. e. where a Form 49 Warrant of Committal directs police to do so) in order to transport that person to the appropriate mental health facility or other location designated in the Form or Warrant.
What does RRT stand for ? and what do they do?
Rapid Response Table
means a multi-agency table meeting that takes place to coordinate services for individuals who are experiencing risk factors that have a heightened chance of deterioration within 48 hours. The RRT is comprised of community organizations that offer services to individuals of all ages i. e. mental health issues, addictions, housing, etc. The RRT meets regularly to present cases of individuals that have an Acutely Elevated Risk, while removing all identifiable information of the individual. The RRT can be reached at RRT@yrp. ca.
What does PIC stand for?
Person in Crisis
What does VTRA stand for?
Violent Threat Risk Assessments
Theses assessments are in school settings
What is a Form 1?
Application By Physician for Psychiatric Assessment
Form 1 allows a doctor to hold a person in a mental health facility for up to 72 hours for assessment. The Form 1 takes effect on the date that it is signed by the physician and is effective for seven days. The Form 1 provides authority for any person (usually a police officer) to take the person named in the Form to the mental health facility.
What is a Form2?
Order for Examination
Form 2 is an order issued by a Justice of the Peace authorizing police to bring the person named in the order to the mental health facility. Any person (typically, family members) can appear before the justice and provide sworn information in an effort to establish that the statutory preconditions are met and that the person requires immediate mental health care. The Form 2 directs police to take the person “forthwith” (i. e. without delay) to the appropriate mental health facility.
What is a Form9?
Order for Return
Form 9 is issued by the person in charge of the mental health facility that has authority over a detained person who has left the facility without leave. The Form authorizes police to apprehend and return the person.
What is a Form 47?
Order for Examination
is issued for violation of the terms of a Community Treatment Order and authorizes police to apprehend a person and return them to the mental health facility.
What is a Form49?
Criminal Code: A Form 49 or “Warrant of Committal”
Is issued by the Court or Ontario Review Board for the apprehension of individuals who have been found to be un t to stand trial or not criminally responsible on account of mental disease. These orders are typically in the possession of the mental health facility or other institution designated by the Ontario Review Board as having authority over the person. These persons are typically known to the High Risk Offender Unit (HROU).
What is the patrol sergeants responsibilities while dealing with PIC?
(a) refer to Procedure ER-001 Containment and Response to Armed Persons / Hostage and Barricaded Persons including Crisis Negotiations when the subject is armed, violent or barricaded, or in cases when o fficers may require additional tactical support;
(b) consider requesting the assistance or attendance of the MHST;
(c) consider requesting information from or the assistance of the High Risk Offender Unit for appropriate calls (i.e. Form 49 Warrants of Committal for
individuals deemed not criminally responsible);
(d) notify the Unit / Bureau Commander of the call, where appropriate; (e) attend the call, when available;
(f) notify the RTOC of any intention to enter a dwelling to effect an apprehension, if known in advance. (NOTE: Officers can rely on their common law authority under “ancillary powers doctrine” to effect apprehensions that may interfere with a person’s liberty or privacy interests. The “ancillary powers doctrine” applies where (1) police are executing a particular statutory or common law police duty – such as, to protect life or to protect the public; (2) the police conduct was reasonable and necessary to fulfill that duty. There is no statutory authority in under the MHA.);
(g) ensure that the mental health facility is noti fied in advance when members are attending with an apprehended violent or disruptive PIC to ensure a safe location has been secured prior to o fficers’ arrival; and
(h) make all reasonable efforts to notify a relative of an apprehended person of the apprehension as soon as possible.
Where a Form or Warrant of apprehension is presented for execution, Patrol Sergeants shall also:
(i) verify the authenticity of the order by checking that the order is signed by the appropriate person; and
(ii) verify that the order is current and, if the order has an expiry date, that it has not expired.
4. Platoon Supervisors or an Alternate member of the Mental Health Support Team (MHST) shall authorize the availability of a member who is an MHST Alternate, upon request of the MHST supervisor
Assisting at mental health facilities
- The Mental Health Act requires that a police o fficer who takes a person in custody to a mental health facility remain at the facility and retain custody of the person until the facility takes custody of him or her in the prescribed manner.
- The Mental Health Act does not authorize o fficers to remain engaged where an individual has voluntarily admitted themselves to a mental health facility, except where o fficers are needed to assist.
- The authority for police to use force is found in the Criminal Code. The authority for mental health facility to restrain patients by medical or physical means is based on authorities provided for in the Mental Health Act.
- A mental health facility and its employees are afforded protection for liability when using restraint under the Mental Health Act. Police o fficers are provided no such protection under this Mental Health Act.
What shall the MHST members do on a PIC call?
(a) when available, assist uniformed o fficers, provided the scene is safe and secure;
(b) if necessary, apprehend the person;
(c) if uniform o fficer(s) are not on-scene and it is determined that an apprehension is required, notify the 911 Communications Centre to have uniformed o fficers attend for the purpose of transporting the person to a mental health facility;
(d) when an apprehension is made, and availability allows, attend the mental health facility to liaise with psychiatric staff and provide information relevant to the assessment process which may assist in expediting treatment;
(e) when a PIC is not admitted to a mental health facility, determine whether follow-up with the person is required to ensure they are receiving the appropriate referral, support and/or treatment and with their consent, their family or caregiver;
(f) when a PIC resides out of jurisdiction and is not admitted to a mental health facility, notify the appropriate police service of our involvement with the PIC;
(g) add a supplemental General Occurrence reports to indicate follow-up activities and/or relevant details;
(h) suspend the MHST’s role and engage district uniform o fficers in cases when a call involving a PIC escalates and becomes a risk to the safety of any person, await the arrival of additional o fficers and ensure that the MHST civilian member disengages to a place of safety;
(i) not transport a PIC in the Mental Health Resource Unit’s vehicle; and
(j) under no circumstances, assume the responsibility for a person who has been apprehended.
What is the responsibility for MHST supervisor?
The Mental Health Resources Unit Supervisor shall:
(a) review all requests for the Rapid Response Table and if the individual meets the threshold, submit the request for consideration;
(b) ensure that the daily shift requirements are met by full-time or alternate members of the MHST;
(c) ensure all reports involving PICs are reviewed; and
(d) ensure relevant statistical information related to the MHRU is collected.