Laws & Reg Flashcards
Rabies PEP in previously vaccinated (after 1980) individuals
Human rabies immune globulin (HRIG) should NOT be given (to individuals vaccinated after 1980)
1.0mL rabies vaccine given IM in deltoid (NEVER) in gluteal area b/c of reduced Ab production
All animal exposures (ie, to rabies) must be reported by __ to __
Fax; Pinellas Co Animal Services AND Florida Dept of Health in Pinellas Co
Animal exposures (to rabies) are defined as
Bite exposure
Non-bite exposure: contamination of broken skin or mucous membranes with suspect animal’s saliva
Unknown exposure - individual’s exposure cannot be determined
FL requires that all cats and dogs be revaccinated against rabies __ after the initial vaccination.
12 months
After the second vaccination against rabies (to occur at 12 mos after initial dose), the interval between rabies vaccinations will conform to the ___
Manufacturer’s directions
Peak rabies Ab titers are reached ____
Within 28 days of the primary vaccination
Per Florida Administrative Code rule, an animal is considered currently vaccinated (against rabies) if s/he has received ___ prior to an exposure incident
The primary vaccination at least 28 days prior to the exposure incident
Because of expected rapid anamnestic response, an animal is considered currently vaccinated
Immediately after a booster vaccination
Immediately following exposure to a rabid animal, ____ is important to ensure adequate protection against the virus
Obtaining a booster (rabies) vaccination
Although uncommon, rabies has occurred in vaccinated animals ___
Who did not receive a rabies booster vaccination following exposure
In FL animals are not considered “currently vaccinated” if they are a
Dog, cat, ferret, horse, cattle, or sheep whose 1st vaccination was given < 1 month before exposure
Cat, etc, whose previous vaccination expired
Cat, etc. whose initial vaccination was not boostered 1 year later
Cat, etc, vaccinated by anyone other than a licensed veterinarian
Any wild animal, or wild and domestic animal crosses
Rabies titers are NOT acceptable in lieu of
Research has shown that cats and dogs not currently vaccinated (against rabies) but who were previously vaccinated…
Mount an Ab response comparable to that of currently vaccinated animals after booster vaccination. Consequently, the quarantine requirements for cats/dogs who were previously vaccinated (but not currently), exposed to rabies suspects, and IMMEDIATELY BOOSTERED, is the same as for currently vaccinated animals, at 45 days, rather than 4 mos.
High priority situations for rabies testing include ___.
Human bit by wild/stray animal (ie, animalnat moderate/high risk of acquiring rabies)
Bats found in room with unattended child or sleeping human
Human bit by sray or domestic animal with neurologic signs
Domestic animals who die during an observation period related to human exposure
____ is required before submitting a specimen for rabies testing.
Consultation with the County Health Department (CHD)
Rabies-related confinement should be by
Inside living quarters/related buildings
Leash under control of responsible human
Isolation and observation period refers to
Confinement for observation for 10 days of cats/dogs/ferrets who bite/expose human to rabies
A quarantine period (relating to rabies) involves
Cats/dogs/ferrets, when they are bitten/exposed to rabies may be confined and observed for 45 days if they are vaccinated or previously vaccinated but receive a post-exposure booster and 4 months if they are unvaccinated (6 mos for ferrets, horses, cattle, & sheep)
The 10-day isolation and observation period for cats/dogs/ferrets following their potentially exposing a human (or other animal) to rabies begins starting ___
From the time the animal bit/exposed the bite recipient
If a biting animal who is a rabies suspect is alive 10 days after exposure,
The animal was not shedding rabies virus in saliva at the time of the exposure
Drugs that may be removed from the original container and labeled appropriately are __
FDA approved
Drugs that may not be removed from their original packaging for the purpose of dispensing are __
EPA approved (eg, topical insecticides)
EPA approved products are exclusively administered
EPA products can only be broken up
If you are administering as a dose within the clinic (but individual units/doses cannot be removed for the purposes of dispensing)