Last Wrongs Flashcards
treatment for kid who is really dehydrated and losing consicousness?
IV fluids, normal saline
afebrile kid who has diarrhea without blood or mucous, is well hydrated and non toxic has what?
viral gastroenteritis. treat by returning to normal diet as soon as possible.
kid with diarrhea is kinda dehydrated but is othrewise ok. treatment?
oral fluids. after hydration is established, return to normal diet.
treatment of Lyme disease in a kid younger than 8 yrs old?
amoxicillin or cefuroxime
treatment for Lyme disease in kid older than 8 yrs?
treatment for Lyme meningitis (lyme disease + headache, neck stiffness, fever)?
IV cephalosporins
What is Erb Duchenne palsy?
“waiter tip” palsy; involves damage to roots of C5-6
Risk factors for Erb’s palsy (damage to C5-6)?
- multiparity
- vacuum/forceps delivery
- maternal gestational DM
- breech
- shoulder dystocia
- infant with previous brachial plexus injury
clawhand deformity/Klumpke’s
injury of C7, C8, and T1); grasp reflex is absent but reflexes and upper arm motor function are unaffected
whole arm paralysis
whole brachial plexus (C5-T1); arm doesn’t work
Horner’s syndrome
damage to sympathetic chain that can be associated with any brachial plexus injury; signs and sx= unilateral ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis
how do you treat an ischemic stroke in a kid with sickle cell?
exchange transfusion
early treatment for croup
oral dexamethosone
treatment for hip dysplasia
Pavlik harness
yellow fever
- living or recently visited Afric or South America
- fever
- headache
- vomiting
- myalgia
- jaundice