Language Thought And Comunication Flashcards
What is Piaget’s theory of language and thought?
Language depends on thought
What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis of language and thought?
Thought depends on language
What is the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?
If there are no words for an object or idea you can’t think about it
What is the weak version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?
Words help to ‘carve’ the world, you can still imagine things with no words for them
What is the Hopi’s variation in recall of events?
Hopi don’t distinguish past, present or future.
What is the Zuni’ variation in recognition of colours?
Zuni people have only one word for shades of orange and yellow and have trouble distinguishing them.
How can eye contact be used as a form of non verbal communication?
Regulations the flow of conversation,
Signalling attraction,
Expressing emotion
How does eye contact regulate the flow of a conversation?
In a study participants looked away when about to speak and gave prolonged gaze when about to finish
How is eye contact used to signal attraction?
People who use eye contact are judged as more attractive
How is eye contact used in expressing emotion?
In a study participants judged emotion as more intense if faces were looking straight at them (Adams and Kleck)
How is open and closed posture used as a form of non verbal communication?
Closed posture shows disagreement
Open posture shows acceptance
How is postural echo used as a form of non verbal communication?
Postural echo = copying other’s body position
Tanner and Chartrand’s participants rated the new drink more highly when presented with postural echo
How can personal space differ?
By Gender,
By status
How do cultural differences affect personal space?
Climate - warmer climate, closer to strangers, further from friends.
In Saudi Arabia a larger distance from friends is preferred than England
How does Gender affect personal space?
Women feel more uncomfortable when personal space is invaded from the side than the front, for men it is the front.
How does status affect personal space?
People of similar status stand closer together than people of different status
What are the functions of animal communication?
What are the properties oh human communication?
Plan ahead and discuss future events,
Single verse, multiple channels
What method did Von Frisch use in his bee study?
Put food 10-20 metres away from the hive and up to 30l metres away, he then observed the bees 6000 times over 20 years.
What is Darwin’s theory of natural selection?
Genes that promote survival are passed to the next generation
What is a serviceable habit
Behaviours used by our ancestors to promote survival
What has neonate research shown?
It suggests that newborn babies behaviour is innate
What is an example of social releases?
Certain neonate behaviours (e.g smiling) make others want to provide care
What is an example of neonate behaviour in facial expressions?
Showing an expression of disgust when given sour tastes (e.g citric acid)
What is an example of neonate behaviour in someone who is sensory deprived?
Thompson found that blind children showed similar facial expressions to sighted children
What is the difference between contact and non contact cultures?
Contact cultures like less personal space with strangers a than people of non contact cultures
How is gestures proof that non verbal communication is learned?
In some cultures some gestures are rude and in others they are not, e.g the ok symbol used but divers and astronauts is offensive to Germans