language theory & dvlpmt - exam 1 Flashcards
complex & dynamic system of conventional symbols used for thought & expression
articulation & rate of speech sounds & quality of an individual’s voice
symbolic & nonsymbolic info (body language)
communication active process
sender who encodes / formulates a message
receiver who decides / comprehends the message
ex: infant cries, parent applies meaning, child learns cries have meaning & use them to communicate
4 elements of communication
- sender of the message
- receiver of the message
- shared intent to communicate (context)
- shared means of communication
language disorder
impaired comprehension &/or use of spoken, written, &/or other symbol systems
can be expressive, receptive, or both
what % of the population has a developmental language disorder
agreed upon aspects of communication
communicates - exchange of shared ideas, feelings
shared code - agreed upon
rule governed - systematic
symbol system - representation
generative - combine symbols in new ways
creative - dynamic
use (pragmatics)
turn taking, topic maintenance, narrative cohesion
high variable across linguistic communities
develop tasks to assess skills & goals, can get from a language samplee
content (semantics)
number of total & different words, word meanings
things we measure as we assess children
children w/ language disorders may need more support learning vocab words & meanings
form (syntax, morphology, phonology)
bound & free morphemes, sentence structure, clauses
spoken language disorder
persistent difficulty in the acquisition & use in skills across any of the 5 language domains
5 language domains
developmental language disorder
disorder w/out another medical case @ school age
can co-occur, but the relationship is not causal
do not receive diagnosis until 4-5 yrs, lots of natural inconsistency before that
specific language impairment
old term
new term is more inclusive of all ability levels