Language and the brain Flashcards
Language and the brain
Language Areas of the Brain : The Lesion Model
Types of aphasia- brain diagram
Clinical Types of Aphasia
Interview with a Broca’s aphasic patient
Clinical Types of Aphasia
Interview with a Wernicke’s aphasic patient
Clinical Types of Aphasia
Nature of Language Impairments
Voice-Onset Time
- Time between the release of a plosive and the beginning of vocal fold vibration
Voice-Onset Time
Voice-Onset Time
Syntactic Processing: fMRI study
Broca’s area
Syntactic Structure
Syntactic Processing in Broca’s Aphasics
Syntactic Processing in Broca’s Aphasics
Lexical Organization in Wernicke’s Aphasics
Healthy Controls & Broca’s Aphasics vs. Wernicke’s Aphasics
Does the Right Hemisphere Process language?
Split-Brain Patients
Split-Brain Patients
Split-Brain Patients
Split-Brain Patients
Right Hemisphere Comprehension in Split-Brain Patients
Right Hemisphere Comprehension in Split-Brain Patients
Right Hemisphere Damage
Right Hemisphere Damage
Conversational Speech
Metaphor Use
Humor Results
Error Results