Language Flashcards
A form of communication, whether spoken, written, or signed, that is based on a system of symbols.
5 Attributes of langues
1) A form of communication
2) Spoken, written, or signed
3) Based on a system of symbols
4) Enables us to plan for the future
5) Enables us to pass information from one generation to the next
The sound system of a language—includes the sounds used and how they may be combined.
Basic unit of sound in a language. It is the smallest unit of sound that affects meaning.
Example: The sound of the letter P in English
Units of meaning involved in word formation.
A word or part of a word that can’t be broken into smaller meaningful parts.
Minimal unit of meaning
Ex: Help (single morpheme)
Helper (double) Help… an er (one who helps)
The ways words are combined to form acceptable phrases and sentences.
The meanings of words and sentences.
Refers to the meanings of words and sentences.
Ex: Girl & Woman are similar, but do not mean the same thing.
pragmatics (social language use)
The appropriate use of language in different contexts.
How does speech differ from humans to animals?
Human language
1) More than a set of prearranged signals
2) (Physical Difference) Comes from a cortical speech center, which does not respond instinctively, but organizes sound and meaning on a rational basis.
Origin of human language.
- When and how is impossible to say.
- Assumed that it’s evolution has been a long process.
- Ancestors likely speaking 1 mil yrs ago, but w a slower deliver, smaller vocabulary, and simpler grammer.
- The origin will perhaps remain ever obscure.
T or F?
Origin of individual languages has been vaguely studied over the past 50 years.
- area of precise study over past 2 centuries
How many languages are spoken in the world?
- 5,000 or 7,000 languages (mostly in Africa)
How many language families have scholars grouped languages into?
probably less than 20
How are languages are linked to each other?
By shared words or sounds or grammatical constructions.