Landscape And Processes Flashcards
What is meant by a long profile of a river
A long profile is usually concave and the slope becomes more gentle towards the mouth of the river.
The long profile of a river changes in the height of the course of a river from its source to its mouth
How does the river Eden’s landscape change along its long profile
(upper/middle/lower). Consider: channel shape, valley profile, gradient,
discharge, velocity and sediment size and shape?
The gradient lowers as you go down the river. The upper course has a lower velocity than the middle and lower courses as there is more friction between the rocks and the water. The river depth increases in the middle and lower course therefore leading there to be less friction which will increase the velocity of the river.
Compare hydraulic action with abrasion
Hydraulic action is when the air and water compresses the weak cracks in the rock. Overtime the rock will collapse. Abrasion is when sediment is picked up and thrown against the rock scraping it.
Define weathering
Weathering is the breakdown of rocks and then it is carried away
Compare freeze thaw and biological weathering
Freeze thaw is when water gets into cracks and then it freezes and expands. This happens all the time. Biological weathering is the breakdown of rock by living things, e.g. plant roots break down rocks by growing into cracks on their surface and pushing them apart.
Explain the stages and processes responsible for waterfall formation, v
shaped valleys and interlocking spurs, meanders, ox-bow lakes, flood plains, levees and deltas.
Formation of a waterfall starts by when soft rock beneath hard rock is eroded as of it being a weak rock. The processes happening here are hydraulic action and abrasion. After this the soft rock is kept on being eroded laterally. As of this it creates a plunge pool. After that the hard rock is undercut by the soft rock and as of it being unsupported the hard rock will collapse. This keeps on happening to which a gorge is created
Stages and processes of a v-shaped valley.
V-shaped valleys will occur when vertical erosion. Abrasion occurs making the sea bed go go downwards at a fast rate.
Interlocking spurs
In the upper course of a river where most of the erosion occurs creates v-shaped valleys. The rivers are not powerful enough to erode laterally-they have to wind around the high hillsides that stick out into their paths on either side. The hillsides then interlock as of the river trying to get round the hill
Meanders stages and formation
Lateral erosion occurs. The current is faster on the outside bend of the river because the river is deeper. So more abrasion and hydraulic action occurs at the bend of the river. This causes a river cliff.
Explain two ways climate, geology and slope processes change the river landscape
Climate causes temperatures to go up. This will more rain will go on to the impermeable surfaces and also it will raise the sea level as of more melting ice
How has geology affected the river landscape
Impermeable rock and surfaces will affect the river landscape as of more surface run off.
How does land-use change effect flood-hydrograph
Bogs have been removed, bogs make sure the water infiltrates. If the bogs are removed the surface run off will increase