Landing Gear Flashcards
Automatic Braking is activated based on _______
spoiler deployment. Do NOT arm spoilers until after flight control check as spoiler movement may cause autobrake activation
During an RTO when will ground spoilers deploy?
Ground Spoilers will not deploy until reaching 72 kts
Autobrake Braking sequence at touchdown (LOW, MED)
- Gear touchdown and THR/Levers IDLE
- Ground Spoilers deploy
- Autobrakes activate after 1 sec after (LOW), Autobrakes activate immediately (MED)
Landing Gear and Door normal operation
Electrically controlled by (2) LGCIU (Landing Gear Control Interface Unit, the controlling unit switches each retraction cycle). Hydraulically actuated gears and doors are supplied by the GREEN system.
Landing Gear Gravity Extension
Electrically controlled and mechanically operated. Gear hydraulic system isolated, gear and doors unlock, springs assist in downlocking. If green pressure becomes available, Normal gear retraction is possible.
Landing Gear Indicator Panel
Powered by LGCIU 1 which receives signals from proximity sensors. Red UNLK means gear is NOT in selected position. Green Triangle means down and locked.
Landing Gear indications on SD WHEEL page
Landing gear positions are indicated by two triangles each:
Left side triangle is powered by LGCIU 1 and the right is powered by LGCIU 2.
Green triangle indicates down and locked.
Red indicates gear in transit. Only one triangle needs to be green in case of fault.
Red arrow next to the landing gear handle
Comes on at 750ft RA when: Landing Gear not downlocked in config 2, 3, Full; associated ECAM warning.
Brake and Steering Control Unit: receives signals from steering hand wheels, rudder pedals, and autopilot to control nosewheel steering angle via GREEN sys hydraulic actuators.
Max nosewheel steering angle
DECEL light on autobrake pbs means?
The aircraft is slowing at the programmed rate, but the brakes may not actually be slowing it.
Four Operational Modes of Braking
- Normal Braking (antiskid and autobrake)
- Alternate braking with antiskid (no autobrake, insufficient GREEN pressure, BLUE pressure available)
- Alternate braking without antiskid (antiskid deactivated: A/SKID and NW/S sw OFF, or power supply failure, or BSCU failure, or low B + G hydraulic press.) pressure from accumulators only.
- Parking brake
Hydraulic accumulator designed to supply at least ___ full brake applications.
7 brake applications
A/SKID and N/W STRG sw
ON: for normal operations
1. Brake system switches from GREEN to BLUE
2. Antiskid deactivated
3. Nosewheel steering lost
4. Braking pressure displayed on the triple indicator
Max brake pressure application when operating in Alternate Braking without antiskid
1000 PSI