Land - Adverse Possession Flashcards
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Sch. 1 para. 10 LA 1980
S must show 30 years AP in the case of Crown land
s15(1) LA 1980
S must demonstrate 12 years AP for UL
Sch. 6 para. 1(1) LRA 2002
S must demonstrate 10 years AP for RL,
- UNLESS period of AP is before 13/10/03, in which case 12 years AP required
Adverse Possession
- Factual possession
- Intention to possess
- Absence of consent
Powell v McFarlane
Factual possession is
- continuous/uninterrupted
- overt not secret
- exertion of a ‘reasonable degree of physical control’
Williams v Usherwood
Fencing/parking/paved driveway is sufficient to constitute factual possession
Tecbild v Chamberlain
Children playing/tethered ponies is not sufficient cause for a claim of factual possession
Pye v Graham
- Intention to possess is
- intention to exclude everyone, including PTO, e.g. locked gates with key in S’s custody
N.B. Intention may also be found in actions to exercise physical control - Willingness to pay will not defeat a claim for AP
Bucks CC v Moran
- Intention to possess does not have to amount to an intention to own
- Knowledge of a future intended use will not defeat a claim for AP
Lodge v Wakefield CC
Mistaken belief as to consent will not defeat claim for AP
s32(1) LA 1980
Clock will not run if claim for AP founded on fraud
s28(1) LA 1980
Clock will not run whilst PTO whilst he is a minor/mentally incapacitated
ss29(2) and 30(1) LA 1980
Claim for AP will be defeated if S acknowledges PTO’s right to title in writing
Ps Leeds v Ryesbridge Properties
Oral acknowledgment of PTO’s right to title will not defeat a claim for AP
Form ADV1
Registration form used to apply for registration as new RP of RL following requisite period of AP
r189 LRR 2003
RP has 65 days of receiving notice of claim for AP to object
- UNLESS one of three limited exceptions applies (Sch. 6 para. 5 LRA 2002)
Bridges v Mees
S had genuine right to be registered as he had purchased for valuable consideration, but no conveyance had taken place
Sch. 6 para. 5 LRA 2002
- S has right of estoppel
- S has genuine reason for being registered as RP
- There is a genuine boundary mistake affecting land registered for more than 1 year
Re Nisbet & Potts Contract
S takes subject to existing easements and covenants
Ocean Estates v Pinder
Intention to possess is intention to exclude everyone, including PTO
Fairweather v St Marylebone Property
- Time runs against the leaseholder, not freeholder
2. L may seek action for surrender of lease in case of AP in UL
Sch. 6 para. 6 LRA 2002
Where RP objects to claim for AP in RL, but foes nothing to recover possession, S may reapply after 2 further years’ AP and will be registered automatically