EU - Direct/Indirect Effect & Supremacy Flashcards
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Art. 288(2) TFEU
Regulations are:
- generally applicable
- binding in their entirety
- directly applicable in all MS
Art. 288(1)
Union has power to issue:
- regulations
- directives
- decisions
- recommendations/opinions
Art. 288(3) TFEU
Directives are:
- binding as to the result sought
- binding upon MS addressed
- leaves national authorities with choice as to form/method of implementation
Art 288(4) TFEU
Decisions are:
- binding in their entirety
- binding upon those to whom they are addressed
Art 288(5) TFEU
Recommendations and opinions:
- have no binding force
Van Gend en Loos
- Treaty articles have direct effect
- EU law is directly effective if:
- sufficiently clear and precise
- leaves no discretion to MS
- capable of producing direct effects against an individual
Costa v ENEL
EU law (regulations) is supreme, because:
- MS have voluntarily limited sovereignty (in limited fields)
- EU law must not vary from state to state
Internationale Handelsgesellschaft
EU law is supreme, even overriding MS constitutional provisions
Where domestic law conflicts with national law, MS court does not have to wait for supreme court/P of MS to overrule it; it can assume it is automatically set aside
Defrenne v SABENA
Treaty articles are capable of producing horizontal and vertical direct effects
Regulations are capable of conferring rights on individuals
Decisions are capable of producing direct effects, since otherwise the effectiveness (l’effet utile) would be undermined
Van Duyn v Home Office
Directives are capable of having VERTICAL direct effect, provided:
- it clearly bestows identifiable rights on the individual
- the MS has failed to implement it/implemented it incorrectly
MS will only have failed to implement a directive if the time limit for its implementation has passed
Directives are only capable of producing vertical direct effects as they are addressed to MS as per wording of Art 288(3) TFEU