Lalitha Sahasranamam 9 Flashcards
Bhava = clarity, role, learned man, intention, world, meditation etc
she knows the thoughts and intentions of mens actions.
Bhava rogagni
World is referred to as a disease, she relieves the pains of this world. Due to ignorance people think they are in the prison of samsara, they pray to Amma to release them from this prison. Both the prison and the moksham(freedom) are both within our minds. By chitta suddhi is the way to lead to Amma’s grace and moksham.
Bhava chakra pravarthini
World is like a wheel of birth and death which is rotated by her.
Chandas = poetic meter, essence of vedas.
Gayatri chandas is the most important chandas.
Sastra = command.
she is the essence of all sastras (6) siksha, vyakaranam, jyothishyam, kalpam, chandas, niruktam.
Mantras are combinations of bijams.
she is the essence of all the mantrams.
she has a slender waist.
this name is part of her viratrupa description.
Her fame prevades everywhere. she grants fame to her devotees.
Dhama = rope that binds.
Her glory is beyond these bindings.
Varna rupini
varna = alpahbets, occupations, colors.
she is one in all these forms.
Janma mrithyu jara taptha jana visranthi dayini
Birth, death, old age are the sufferings of the jeeva. she is the solace from these sufferings.
all + upanishads + place + announcement.
she is essence of all vedas.
Turiya state is blissful state. amma is in the stage beyond turiya called santyathitha.
Ganapathi bijam + fear + removes.
by worshipping lord ganesha her devotees fears are removed.
2. Her knowledge is very deep.
The reality beyond Akasa. Abiding beyond space and time. Above the endless, boundless Akasa.
Proud as the Creatrix of the universe. As a lamp doesn’t hide its illumination, Amma spreads her sakti to all the universe.
Completely immersed in music or Sama-veda.
Kalpana sakti is ability to create, Amma created the universe. Birth, death, change are part of universe but, She has none of these, so she is kalpana-rahita.
Pure consciousness before it is evolved in a form or vikalpa, devoid of thought formulations.
kastha are branches, in one state, steady. The ultimate aim or goal. The final truth enunciated by Vedanta.
The wife of SIva when he is in form of Bhima. The period of time when we blink 18 times. Sukshama kala rupini.
Akanta or Kanta
Kanta - something that is desirable. Ka is Brahma, kanta is above Brahma.
Akanta - Aka means sin, anta means end. She destroys all sin or dukham causing.
Having a form half of which is female. Kanta for her is Siva, she is ardha-narisvara tattvam.
karya is universe of name and form, karanam is praktriti, She is beyond both.
She is the succession of waves of play of ‘Siva’, or Kama means ‘Iccha-sakti’ whose waves of play are the Universe.
She is the personification of Bliss waves.
Amma in the middle of the Bindu is Mahakamesvari, with her spandana waves all the other chakras were formed.
She has glittering(prakasam) gold earrings. Surya and chandra are on either side so she uses them as time, she creates, sustains and destroys.
Prakasam is like a mantram, each mantram shines forth like a glittering gold ray.
Tatanka also means guruvakshram or dhirgaksharalu, or pranava. Amma rupam which is spreading is Omkaram. Srim, Hrim, Eim are also dhirgakshralu.
She assumes different forms for Her pleasure to be worshipped by Her devotees. Lila means easily or independently, she take on forms with Lila because of her compassion towards her devotees.
- Aja
Without birth; Amma maya sakti is aja; Aja also means that which spreads, scatters, that which instigates the buddhi.
She scatters karma bijjalu so that srushti is again created.
- Ksaya-vinirmukta
Without decay. A thing unborn cannot grow or decay.
Amma has no birth therefore go growth or decay.
- Mugdha
Always one age, her swarupam is ever youthful, 16 yrs.
Nityam, gnyam mayam and ananda rupam is Amma.
- Ksipra-prasadini
She who showers her grace on Her devotees immediately. For those who worship Uma and Maheshvarulu it will lead to moksham. With bhakti they will lead the devotee to gnyanam. Only thru many good deeds done in past lives can there be a chance to worship her.
- Antarmukha-samaradhya
Can be worshipped only by those with inner vision or introspection.
By following sastra and worshipping her it is Paripurnam.
Do with full heart, full faith.
First find out about who you worshipping thru sastralu or guru, that is gnyanam.
The performer of the yagna is the jnatha.
Thru this offering of knowledge the jnatha gets jneyam.
Amma is the Atma swarupam and leave all other worries then you will get siddhis.
She is within us. Ultimate puja is manasika puja, internal prayer.
- Bahirmukha-sudurlabha
Very very difficult to be attained by those with externalised mental activity. She is closest to you even closer than your body. To reach her, bhavana is important. To strengthen bhavana you should do sravanam, mananam and nitiya dasaya.
- Trayi
She is the form of the three Vedas: Rig, Yajus, Sama.
Vedas are in three forms, Poetry Prose, Song.
Adhdaivika, adhibhauthika, adhyatmika ardhalu.
To attain peace in this lokam and para lokam sukham an d moksham as well you need Vedam.
- Trivarga-nilaya
She is the source of all triads- dharma, ardha-kama, moksham.
Varga is part.
- Tristha
All the threes in the world, Bhur, Bhuh Svaha. The three agni, three vidyas (sankhya, yoga, vedanta), three jyoti (surya, chandra, agni), Three gunas, three letters in OM,
three pitrudevathalu, three times of day, three worlds.
She who is turiya is also in all these and administers the world and takes care of us.
- Tripura-malini
Tripura malini devi is in the anthardasara chakram (sarvarakshara chakram) .
Malini means the string, amma is the string in all the tripura lokalu. In us she in the mind, intellect and body.
Tripurudu is Paramesvara, from him came Brahma, VIshnu, Rudra, so he is also called Tripurudu. She is in all three so she is the sakti and trimurti rupini.
In upanishads, in us there are three damas(jagrat, swapna, susshpti), one who is witness to all these states is Tripura Malini (turiya tatvam).
- Niramaya
She has no birth nor decay. If mental sickness it is adhulu, for body it is vyadhulu. She is without any sickness.
Atma tatvam is amma. Those who pray to her in the form Niramaya tatvam do not get adhulu,vyadhulu.
- Niralamba
She needs no support. Niralamba Upanishad says no one in the world is a complete support to another being. Chaitanyam is the support behind us being able to say “i”, if we realize that the chaitanyam is Amma, we can also reach the state of Niralamba sthiti.
- Svatmarama
Without body consciousness, turning inward and dwell in the blissful self(atma). That is the state of Svatmarama after crossing the states of Niramayaand Niralamba. Will then experience eternal bliss.
- Sudha-srutih
Ambrosial stream or flow of bliss resulting from meditation on Sri Lalita in sahasrara or the continuous flow of the experience of divine bliss in devoted practice.
Amma has both Daya(wetness) and jnyanam so she is
- Yajna-priya
She is fond of sacrifice. Every work we do with devotion is also a yagna. It purifies us. When we reach siddhi state then yagnas drop off automatically. Vishnu is yagna and she is his female form. For sake of chitti suddhi we need to do yagna, danam, tapas, taking thirtha yatra and seva.
- Yajna-kartri
She is the Sacrificier. as the power that drives the devotee to sacrifice. Every man who performs Yajna is Siva himself and no Yajna performer can perform without his wife(Amma) who enables him to do the sacrifice.