Lagna Constructions - लगना Flashcards
1) be attached to (a wall)
2) to feel (something physical)
3) it seems to me that…. ।
4) it seems likely to cost… / or how long will it likely take…
What are the four constructions?
to stick, to be hung, to be put; to feel; to seem; to take time, to cost money
दीवार पर तस्वीर लगी।
(type 1)
The picture was hung on the wall.
location + par + object + lagna past tense
हमें भूख लग रही है।
(type 2)
We are feeling hungry.
subject oblique + noun used as adjective + stem (लग) + रही / रहा है (according to the gender of the noun)
hunger [Nf]
(X को) भूख लगना
to feel hungry
(X को) डर लगना
to be afraid
fear [Nm]
उसको डर लगता है।
He/she is afraid.
(X को) प्यास लगना
to feel thirsty
thirst [Nf]
(X को) चोट लगना
to get hurt
hurt [Nf]
(X को) ठंड लगना
to feel cold
cold [Nf]
(X को) सर्दी लगना
to feel cold
cold [Nf]
(X को) गर्मी लगना
to feel hot
heat [Nf]
(X को) [adjective] लगना
to seem [adjective] (to X)
(X को) अच्छा/अच्छी/ अच्छे लगना
to seem good (to X) / [i.e. to like something]
(X को) ठीक लगना
to seem okay (to X)
(X को) महंगा/ महंगी/महंगे लगना
to seem expense (to X)
(X को) अजीब लगना
to seem weird (to X) [i.e. to dislike something]
(X को) बुरा/बुरी/बुरे लगना
to seem bad (to X)
[X verb] में [Y time] लगना
to take Y amount of time to do X
X के लिए [Y money] लगना
to cost [Y money] for X
मैडिसन से शिकागो जाने में दो घंटे लगते हैं।
It takes two hours to go from Madison to Chicago.
नई भाषा सीखने में एक साल लगेगा।
It will take one year to learn a new language.
दो आलू के लिए दस रुपये लगेंगे।
(type 4)
indirect object + के लिए or KO + price or length of time + लगना future tense (accords with amount)
Two potatoes will cost 10 rupees.
एक नई गाड़ी के लिए 15,000 डॉलर लगता है।
A new car costs $15,000.
मुझे हिंदी मुश्किल लगती है ।
(type 3)
subject oblique + object + adjective + लगना in the present habitual लगती/ते/त है (according with the object)
To me, it seems that Hindi is hard. / mushkil lagati he
मुझे भारत काना अच्छा लगता है ।
Indian food seems good to me.
मुझे भूक लग रही है
I am feeling hungry
दस आलू के लिए एक सौ रूपये लगेंगे।
Ten potatoes will cost 10 rupees.