Adjectives Flashcards
किताब लाल है
the book is red
लाल किताब कहाँ है?
‘where is the red book?
All adjectives ending in consonants
Some exceptional adjectives ending in vowels
Most adjectives ending in the –आ vowel (citation form)
Possessive suffixes का/ के/ की and possessive adjectives
लाल किताब
सुन्दर शहर
ख़ुश ख़बरें
(red book)
(beautiful city)
(happy/good news)
There is a subset of adjectives ending in -आ which also never change form.
ताज़ा (fresh, *can change)
सवा (1 ¼)
पैदा (born)
बढ़िया (excellent)
ज़रा (a little)
घटिया (inferior)
ज़िन्दा (alive)
दुखिया (unfortunate, unhappy)
ताज़ा (fresh, *can change)
Normally (taking into account the exceptions noted earlier), adjectives ending in -आ
change according to the gender and number of the noun they modify.
(1) Adjectives which modify a masculine singular noun end in -आ
(2) Adjectives which modify a feminine noun (singular or plural) end in –ई
(3) Adjectives which modify a masculine plural noun end in -ए
Normally (taking into account the exceptions noted earlier), adjectives ending in -आ
change according to the gender and number of the noun they modify:
1) masculine singular noun
2) modify a masculine plural noun end
3) a feminine noun (singular or plural)
Notice that although the feminine noun forms change when they are converted from
singular to plural, the adjective ending -ई does not change.
अच्छी किताब अच्छी किताबें
(good book)
(good books)
छोटी लड़की छोटी लड़कियाँ
(small girl)
(small girls)
मेरी बहन मेरी बहनें
(my sister)
(my sister)
बड़ा कमरा बड़े कमरे
छोटा शहर छोटे शहर
अच्छा दोस्त अच्छे दोस्त अच्छी दोस्त
(big room) (big rooms)
(small city) (small cities)
(good friend) (good friends - male) (good friends - female