lactation nutritional requirements Flashcards
Why would different stages of lactation have different nutrient requirements?
Composition and amount of milk will change
Does basal metabolic rate change in lactating women?
How can a woman make up for the energy cost of lactation without any increase in intake? Why is this not the case for most women?
Lower physical activity
Most women are less active immediately after birth (rest and heal), but in following months it is highly variable
the energy output needed for lactation is computed from __________ and __________.
amount of milk production
energy density of the milk
How is the energy requirement for milk calculated?
(g of milk/day) x (0.67kcal/g)
How is the EER for lactation period calculated?
normal EER of age group + energy output for milk - weight loss
As the age of the infant increases beyond 6 months, the energy required for lactation will:
decrease (lower volume produced)
How does the lactating mother’s body change in the 6 months post partum? Why does this occur?
- gradual weight loss (0.8kg/month)
- fat loss from subcutaneous region
energy mobilization from fat stores
*does not occur in ALL women
When is the mother’s weight assumed to stabilize, and calorie reduction for weight loss no longer applied in the lactation EER?
after 6 months (weight loss calorie reduction = 0)
The extra energy for lactation will come primarily from _____, not from ____.
maternal stores (fat) not from diet
Does protein intake affect milk protein concentration? The minimal amount needed is ____, in order to ______.
1g/day, to maintain SKELETAL MUSCLE, and produce adequate milk volume!
The ____ approach is used for estimating protein requirements in lactation. What 2 assumptions are made?
1. amount of MAINTENENCE protein for mother does not change
2. amount of protein/AA needed for milk will increase as milk production increases
True/False: There is a higher energy requirement for milk production in 0-6 months, so the EER for the mother will be greater than the EER after 6 months.
False: milk energy output is greater, but EER is reduced to allow for weight loss
Is energy output considered when calculating lactation period EER?
Includes normal EER, which accounts for estimated activity levels
What non protein nitrogen compound in milk is notably important, and how is it produced (3)?
- Diversion from urine (given to milk instead of peed out)
- colonic fermentation of milk
- produced from protein/AA
The total increase in needed protein is the sum of:
Can we use this number directly as the increase in EAR?
milk protein + milk NPN (conversion factor
No, need to account for protein conversion efficiency - only 0.47 efficient at turning diet protein into body protein
(need to divide by 0.47)
How does the NPN content in milk affect protein requirements?
some protein is required to provide N for NPNs
use conversion factor of 6.25 to estimate amount needed
The EAR of protein for lactating women (<6 months) is:
the RDA is:
multiply by 1.24 (CV = 12%)
RDA = 1.1g/kg/day (rounded)
Protein is important to provide the protein and AA content in milk, but it will also provide ______, which accounts for 25% of the total milk ____.
convert to NPN (non protein nitrogen)
Can higher omega 6 intake be beneficial for preventing deficiency in the infant through breastmilk? How is this reflected by the nutrient recommendations?
no evidence that increased intake by mother will have benefit
AI is given, since insufficient data
higher than nonpregnant AI, set as the MEDIAN intake in areas of no deficiency
What nutrient is definitely needed in greater amounts during lactation, and why (2)?
mammary gland preferentially uses glucose
require high level of precursors (glucose) to make constant concentration of lactose in milk
Small amounts of __ and ___ can help reverse omega 3 deficiency in infants, and can be counted as part of the ___ . Why?
Less conversion of omega 3 required (spared)
Why are the AI recommendations for omega 3 and 6 higher for lactating women, even though no evidence suggests increased requirements?
Based on MEDIAN intake in populations with no deficiency, happens to be higher
Overall, for all age groups it is recommended to increase protein intake by ____ during lactation.
Lactating women will often have lower levels of ____ (LCFA) in RBCs and plasma. What could this indicate, and what has been found to increase concentrations in both mother and infant?
could indicate inadequate intake; milk production is depleting maternal supply
or could be normal physiological change/adaptation (hormones, nutrient transfer, fat metabolism)
fish oil supplement
In pregnant women, the ____ will increase, signifying an increase in ____ utilization.
omega 3s in breast milk are sourced from (2):
maternal stores
Are fibre requirements changed during lactation?
same calculation; slight increase due to increase in energy intake
How is EAR and RDA determined for carbohydrates during lactation?
add amount of carbs needed to replace those given to milk to normal EAR (add 60g per day)
multiply by 1.3 (CV of 15%)
Is there an increased need for thiamine during lactation? Why or why not?
some is transferred to milk, some is used in the energy cost of milk production
What is needed as a precursor for lactose? Where can this come from? (3)
carbohydrates from diet
AA from diet (or proteolysis)
glycerol from fat oxidation (very limited!)
Daily milk production is about ____ L.
7.8 L
Most nutrient requirements will ____ once the baby surpasses 6 months. why?
less feeding, introduce solids
Is the requirement for riboflavin increased during lactation, and why or why not?
Yes; increase in EAR to account for 0.3mg put into milk each day
(assume 0.7 efficiency, so increase amount by 0.4mg)
calculate RDA as 1.2x = 1.6mg/day
Can the body synthesize niacin?
Yes, to some extent, from Tryptophan
a woman nursing multiple children would:
have higher milk production, have higher nutrient needs