Labs III and IV Flashcards
biceps brachii (OIA)
O: short head-coracoid process (lat.), long head-supraglenoid tubercle (med)
I: radial tuberosity (proximal, ant)
A: flex supinated forearm, supinates flexed forearm
anterior, flexor, 2 headed muscle of arm, most superficial
Biceps Brachii (NB)
N: musculocutaneous nerve (BBC)
A: Brachial artery
O: coracoid process
I: medial shaft of humerus
A: flexion, AD of arm
Coracobrachialis (NB)
N: musculocutaneous, pieces through
B: brachial artery
Brachialis (OIA)
O: anterior surface of humerus (distal, inferior)
I: coronoid process of ulna
A: flexion of the forearm
anterior, flexor, strongest flexor of the forearm
Brachialis (NB)
N: musculocutaneous nerve
B: muscular branches of the brachial and the recurrent radial artery
Triceps brachii (OIA)
O: long head-infraglenoid tubercle of scapula (inferior to glenoid fossa), lateral head-posterior of humerus (above radial groove), medial head- posterior of humerus, below radial groove
I: olecranon of ulna
A: extension of forearm and extension of arm (long head only)
posterior, extensors (pronators)
Triceps Brachii (NB)
N: radial nerve
B: deep brachial artery, superior ulnar collateral artery
Pronator Teres (OIA)
O: medial epicondyle, coronoid process of ulna
I: lateral side of middle radius
A: pronation and flexion of forearm
Pronator Teres (NB)
N: median nerve
B: Branches of brachial, radial and ulnar arteries
flexor carpi radialis (OIA)
O: medial epicondyle
I: 2nd metacarpal
A: flexion and AB of hand
anterior of forearm, flexor, superficial layer
Flexor carpi radialis (NB)
N: median nerve
B: Anterior/posterior recurrent ulnar artery, radial artery
palmaris longus (OIA)
O: medial epicondyle
I: palmar aponerosis
A: flexion of hand, tighten flexor aponerosis (grip)
Palmaris longus (NB)
N: median nerve
B: ulnar artery
flexor carpi ulnaris (OIA)
O: medial epidondyle
I: pisiform, hamate, 5th metacarpal
A: flexion and AD of hand
flexor carpi ulnaris (NB)
N: ulnar nerve
B: ulnar artery
flexor digitorum superficialis (OIA)
O: medial epicondyle of the humerus
I: middle phalanx of digits 2-5
A: flexion at PIP joint, flexion at MCP joint, flexion of wrist
flexor digitorum superficialis (NB)
N: median nerve
B: Ulnar artery, radial artery, median artery
flexor pollicis longus (OIA)
O: The middle 1/2 of the anterior surface of the radius and the adjacent interosseus membrane
I:distal phalanx of thumb (digit 1)
A: flexion of distal phalanx of digit 1
anterior compartment of forearm, flexor, lateral, deep layers
flexor pollicis longus (NB)
N: median nerve
B: Anterior interosseous artery
flexor digitorum profundus (OIA)
O: Proximal half of anterior surface of ulna, interosseous membrane
I: distal phalanx of digits 2-5
A: flexion of DIP, PIP, MCP, and wrist (make a fist)
flexor digitorum profundus (NB)
N: ulnar (med half of digits 4-5) median (lateral half of digit 2-3)
B: Ulnar, common interosseous, ulnar collateral, ulnar recurrent, anterior interosseous, median arteries
Pronator quadratus (OIA)
O: distal ulna
I: distal radius
A: pronation of forearm
Square shape, deep layer (on bone)
Pronator quadratus (NB)
N: Median
B: Anterior interosseous artery
brachioradialis (OIA)
O: lateral supracondylar rudge (proximal to lateral epicondyle)
I: distal radius (anterior aspect)
A: flexion and supination of forearm
posterior compartment of forearm, flexor, most lateral
Brachioradialis (NB)
N: radial nerve (above elbow)
B: radial recurrent artery
extensor carpi radialis longus (OIA)
O: lateral supracondylar ridge
I: base of 2nd metacarpal
A: extension and AB of hand
posterior compartment of forearm, superficial layer
extensor carpi radialis longus (NB)
N: Radial Nerve
B: Radial Artery
extensor carpi radialis brevis (OIA)
O: lateral epicondyle
I: 3rd metacarpal
A: extension and AB of hand
posterior compartment of forearm; superficial layer
extensor carpi radialis brevis (NB)
N: radial (deep branch)
B: radial artery