Labour physiology and terms Flashcards
The first stage of labour consists of 3 parts?
- A. Latent phase
- B. Active 1st stage
- C. Transition phase
4cm-10cm dilated
Describe the latent phase of labour (stage 1)
- Can be the longest (days)
- irregular contractions (short lasting and mild in tone)
- cervical changes up to 4cm dilation
Describe the active 1st stage of labour?
- regular painful contractions 3-4 within 10 minute period
- 4cm-10cm cervix
*8-12 hours in lenght
Describe the transition stage of labour?
- 8-10cm dilation
- more physical changes seen in the women
- shaking, vomiting, need to empty bowels
cervical dilation during 1st stage of labour
describe the second stage of labour
- from being fully dilated to birth of the baby
passive (fully dilated but no contractions)
activie (fully dilated and visible baby/maternal effort)
describe the 3rd stage of labour
from the birth of the baby -> to expulsion of the placenta and membranes
(up to 60 mins after birth)
describe engagement
the largest diameter of the foetal head fits into the largest diameter of the maternal pelvis (pelvic inlet)
normal foetal heart rate
drug which inhibits lactation
e.g. neonatal/foetal death
drugs which enhances lactation
- enhanced lactation
- Gestational age
(duration of pregnancy from the date of last menstrual period) – (weeks + days e.g. 13+ 6)
total number of pregnancies a woman has had
a woman is pregnant for the first time
a woman is pregnant for at least the second time