laboratory testing Flashcards
when should you send samples
only if you think there is an infection at that site and if you think that the results will give you an answer OR if there is a clinically relevant colonising organism you should know about
many people are healthy carries of what
strep pneumonia but blood cultures are more likely to be positive in severe disease caused by strep pneumonia
false positive blood cultures can occur
and are most commonly caused by poor aseptic technique which most commonly causes skin commensals to contaminate the sample
common skin commensals
staph epidermis, corneybacterium, bacillus species
exception to ignoring skin commensals
skin commensals can be the cause of disease in those with prosthetic material
soes strep pneumonia commonly cause false positive results
no if strep pneumonia positive then it is likely to be causing disease
cultures for pneumonia
- blood culture and sputum culture
sputum cultures commonly contain
commensals from the mouth and throat
almost all cases of haemophilus influenza isolated from the blood and CSF are
capsular type B
haemophilus influenza is a
gram negative coccobacillus which is generally aerobic but can grow as a facilitate anaerobe
what is used to culture haemophilus influenza
chocolate agar, blood agar will not work
host factors which increase risk of infection
- hospitalised for more than 48 hours
- on a ventilators
- immunosuppression
- chronic lung disease
- epidemiological (i.e. mycoplasma more common in young)
- recent reveal (Mers Co-V)
what is Mers Co-V
middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus
atypical pneumonia is
any pneumonia which is not caused by strep penumonia= legionella, mycoplasma, coxeilla, chamydophillia psittaci
most atypical pneumonia is sensitive to
doxycycline except legionella which is treated with erythromycin
legionella pneumonia has
a high mortality
mycoplasma pneumonia
is more common in children and young adults, it is known as the walking pneumonia as it does not cause many symptoms
complication of mycoplasma pneumonia
erythema multiforme
coxiella brunetti is known as
Q fever and is spread from sheep and goats
- causes a pneumonia and pyrexia of unknown origin
- diagnosed using serology
to diagnose all atypical pneumonia (except legionella)
use serology; send acute and convalescent blood samples (convalescent sample is taken 7 or more days after the acute sample)
what does serology do
compares immunoglobulin response levels over time
diagnosing a virus
nasopharyngeal or throat swabs for PCR
pcr detects
- influenza type A and B, parainfluenza virus types 1-4, coronavirus, rhinovirus, metapneumonovirus, adenovirus, enterovirus, and mycoplasma
mycoplasma is the only
bacteria detected by PCR
urine antigen is used to detect
legionella it only detects serogroup 1 as 95% of legionella is caused by this
legionella penumonia
gram negative strict aerobic bacillin
legionella is spread via
lukewarm aerosolised water (air-condition, hot tubs and pools)
legionella multiplies within
amoeba and protozoa, but human alveolar macrophages look like protozoa so legionella invades and multiplies within them