Laboratory: Blood Collection Flashcards
The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) states that pressure should be applied using a clean gauze pad instead of cotton balls. True or False?
In the order of draw for venipuncture, which comes fourth?
Microsampling is usually done on the following types of patients, except:
Infants less than 6 mos. old
Adult with palpable vein
Young children undergoing a test that requires small amount of blood
Burned patients
Adult with palpable vein
What will happen to the blood specimen if alcohol is left on the puncture site?
Which of the following preparations is done for venipuncture using the ETS method?
twisting the needle with the barrel to make certain it fits securely
Inserting shorter end of the needle into the holder
moving the plunger up and down in the barrel once or twice to make certain it does not stick
All of the above
Inserting shorter end of the needle into the holder
In the order of draw for capillary specimens, which comes last?
No additives
What is the purpose of elevating the puncture site?
To prevent hematoma
The correct patient identification involves stating the patient’s full name and confirming it with the patient. True or False?
Which anticoagulant inhibits the activity of thrombin in preventing clot formation?
What will happen if the tourniquet is applied more than one minute?
All of the following are phlebotomy sites during skin puncture, except:
Heel of the foot
Ear lobe
4th finger
Middle finger
Ear lobe
Where is the phlebotomy site on an infant?
medial, plantar surface of the foot
lateral, plantar surface of the foot
Excessive EDTA causes _____.
Shrinkage of RBC
What is the difference between plasma and serum? Select all correct statements
Plasma is the liquid portion of a clotted blood
Plasma contains fibrinogen
Serum is the liquid portion of an anticoagulated blood
Serum does not contain fibrinogen
Plasma contains fibrinogen
Serum is the liquid portion of an anticoagulated blood
All of the following techniques are done to make the vein palpable, except:
Applying the tourniquet 3-4 inches below the bend of the elbow
Asking the patient to make a fist
Warming the puncture site
All of the above
Applying the tourniquet 3-4 inches below the bend of the elbow
What should be done first after collecting enough blood?
Release the tourniquet
Withdraw the needle
Apply pressure on the puncture site
Place a gauze on the site
Release the tourniquet
What will happen if you pull the plunger with too much force?
may cause the blood to hemolyze
the force may pull the wall of the vein
the needle may be pulled out of the vein
All of the above
All of the above
Which of the following is a consequence of excessive massaging of the puncture site?
dilution of blood with tissue juice
increased clot formation
erroneous test results
All of the above
All of the above
_ of the blood is composed of formed elements
_ of the blood is the fluid portion, of which approx. 90% is _ and 10% is composed of _
When coagulation is prevented by the use of an anticoagulant, the liquid portion of the blood is termed _, it contains fibrinogen
If a blood specimen is allowed to clot, the liquid portion released from the clot is called _ and does not contain any fibrinogen
Betadine should be routinely used to clean the
phlebotomy area. True or False?
Rationale: Betadine causes erroneous test results
Excessive crying will affect some test results such as increasing _
The thumb, big toe, and ear lobe should not be used as
a skin puncture site for phlebotomy. True or False?
Order of Draw for Capillary Specimen
Blood gases
Other anticoagulation tubes
Non-additive or serum
Order of draw for Venous Specimen
Yellow (SPS or Culture bottle)
Light blue (Citrate)
Red (Non-additive)
Green (Heparin)
Lavender (EDTA)
Gray (Fluoride)
Shrinkage of RBC leads to
Decreased hematocrit
Increased MCHC
Falsely-low ESR
Dry EDTA is known as
Liquid EDTA is known as