Lab Man Unit 4 Flashcards
Is a director of people and activities
It is the process of influencing people to attain predetermined objectives
Most visible among management functions
Includes seeing that day to day tasks necessary to ensure a smooth running facility are done
Is the human factor stage (both leadership and managerial skills come to the forefront)
Implies overseeing the work of subordinates by their superiors
It the act of watching and directing work and workers
It involves planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling.
It is someone who performs these functions, planning, organizing, staffing snd directinh
The process of influencing the efforts of others to achieve designated organizational goals
A social psychologist, described his four famous management systems
Rensis Likert
Four management systems identified by likert:
- Exploitative Authoritative
- Benevolent Authoritative
- Consultative
- Participative
This type of system are extremely hierarchical, with power and responsibility lying at higher levels within the organization
Exploitative Authoritative
Communication is delivered top-down and roles are dictated
- little to no trust in employees
Exploitative Authoritative
In this system employees are motivated through reward systems.
Upwards communication is more limited and tends towards only positive information, not auiries or requests
Benevolent Authoritative
Team members may compete for rewards
Teamwork and communication are minimal
Benevolent Authoritative
Decision making extended to lower levels when it significantly affects their role
Substantial trust in employees
Motivation primarily through reward but sometimes punishment
Decision making responsibility and values are free spread across all tiers
Complete confidence snd trust in all employees
Motivation is provided though monetary rewards and involvement in goal setting
Participative system
Principles of leadership
- Lead by example
- Leadership is about people
- Focus in change
- Be human and admit mistakes
- Understand the value of listening
- Develop leadership skills
- Promote diversity
- Work together to achieve more
- Have solid values
- Use technology and innovation
- Help develop future leaders
4 Factors of leadership
This type of leadership factor have an honest understanding of who they are, what they know, and what they can do
Leadership traits
Praise giving
Positive orientation
People based
Power building
This type of leadership trait motivate followers to become involved in getting the job done. A similar trait is the ability to network- to build linkages of friends and acquaintances
Power building
It is the traits and characteristics that make someone effective as a leader
Leader behavior
This type of leadership style has strong ties to their employees
Employee- oriented leaders
Spent more time in actual supervision rather than in production work
Employee- oriented leaders
Emphasize high productivity at the expense of all other factors
Production oriented leaders
This type of leadership style viewed workers as only tools for use by the company
Spent majority of their time on production related problems
Production oriented leaders
This type of leadership style is paying attention to assigning particular tasks
Specifying and clarifying what is expected of subordinates
Uniformity of the procedures to be followed
Personally deciding what and how work will be done
Initiating structure behavior
Type of leadership style where managers effort to explain their action
Treat workers as equals, listen, to subordinates concern
Look out for their persona welfare
Give advance notice of changes
Friendly and approachable
Consideration behavior
Two behavioral dimensions on Blake mouton managerial grid
Concern for people
Concern for results
Low results- low people
Impoverished management
Impoverished management is also known as?
Indifferent manager
His results are inevitably disorganization, dissatisfaction, disharmony
Impoverished management
High results - low people
Produce-or- perish management
Produce or perish management is also known as?
Authoritarian or authority compliance
This type of manager is autocratic, has strict rules, policies, and procedures and can view punishment as an effective way of motivating team members
Produce or perish management
Medium results- medium people
Middle-of-the road management
Middle of the road management also known as the?
Status quo manager
The result is that his team will likely deliver only mediocre performance
Middle of the road management
High people- low people
Country club management
Country club management is also known as
Accommodating style of manager
The result is a work environment that is very relaxed and fun but where productivity suffers because there is lack of direction and control
Country club management
High production- high people
Team management
Team management is also known as
Sound managers
Blake and his colleagues ‘ two more leadership styles:
Paternalistic management
Opportunistic management
This type of management sill jump between the country club and produce or perish styles. This type of leader can be supportive and encouraging, but will also guard his or her own position- and this type of manager does not appreciate anyone questioning the way they think
Paternalistic management
This type of leadership style places their own needs first, shifting around the grid to adopt whichever style will benefit them. They will manipulate and take advantage of others to get what they want.
Opportunistic management
This type of theory proposed by douglas mcgregor assumes that the primary source of employee motivation is monetary, with security as a string second.
Theory X
This type of approach relies on coercion, implicit threats, micromanagement, and tight controls
Hard approach
This type of approach is permissive and seek harmony
Soft approach
Principles of scientific management (theory Y)
Decentralization and delegation
Job enlargement
Participative management
Performance appraisal
It is a type of self fulfilling prophecy in which raising manager expectations regarding subordinate performance boosts subordinate performance
Pygmalion effect
3 situational leadership models
- Contingency model
- Continuum leadership
- The vroom- yetton decision model
What type of leadership model: If an organization attempts ti achieve group effectiveness through leadership, then there is a need to assess the leader according ti an underlying trait
Contingency model
True or false: Leaders with high LPC are task oriented and the ones with low scores are relationship-oriented
False: leaders with high LPC are relationship oriented and the ones with low scores are task oriented
Four main styles of leadership in Continuum of leadership
3 factors considered by tannenbaum and schidmt
Forces in the manager
Forces in the subordinate
Forces in the situation
Type of forces that includes:
Value systems
Confidence in subordinates
Leadership inclinations
Feelings of security in an uncertain situation
Forces in the manager
Type of forces that include factors like:
Type of organization
Group effectiveness
Nature of the problem
Time pressure
This type of model helps us identify the best decision- making approach and leadership style to take, based on our current situation
The vroom- yetton decision model
3 factors under the vroom and yetton decision model
Decision quality
Team commitment
Time constraints
Five decision making processes that are described by the model
Autocratic 1
Autocratic ( A2)
Consultative (C1)
Consultative (C2)
Collaborative (G2)
You use the information that you already have to make the decision, without requiring any further inout from your team
Autocratic (A1)
You consult your team to obtain specific information that you need, and then make the final decision
Autocratic (A2)
You inform your team of the situation and ask for members opinions individually, but you dont bring the group together for a discussion. You make the final decision
Consultative (C1)
You get your team together for a group discussion about the issue and to seek their suggestions , hut you still make the final decision by yourself
Consultative (C2)
You work with your team to reach a group consensus. Your role is mostly facilitative, and you help team members to reach a decision that they all agree on
Collaborative ( G2)