Lab Lecture Flashcards
how does marked dehydration affect an animals eyes
Sunken in the socket
Normal urine production is considered to be
1-2 ml/kg/hr
The best choice of fluids for SC administration would be
Isotonic fluids
It is important that owners routinely clean the pts fur and skin of urine after expressing the bladder to prevent
Urine scalding
When adding medications or electrolytes to a bag of fluids it is important to
Record in the medical record, identify who added the meds, identify the additives, time and date when added
T/F A major cross match is performed by mixing the pts plasma with the donors red blood cells
Of the following fluids which would be considered hypotonic
Which phase of fluid therapy is typically completes as an IV bolus
Which of the following fluid types is used primarily to rapidly bring volume into the intravascular space
Hypertonic crystalloid
T/F an elevated PCV/TP is commonly associated with over hydration
Isotonic crystalloid
3% NaCl
hypertonic crystalloid
synthetic colloid
Whole blood
Natural colloid
0.45% NaCl
Hypotonic crystalloid
Hypotonic crystalloid
0.9% NaCl
Isotonic crystalloid
Isotonic crystalloid
7% NaCl
hypertonic crystalloid
Natural colloid
synthetic colloid
Plasmalyte - 140
Isotonic crystalloid
T/F colloids tent to stay in the vascular space therefore they are well suited for patients in need of volume expansion and resuscitation
Which of the following fluid types is primarily used to promote movement from the intravascular space into the tissues
hypotonic crystalloids
Symptoms of fluid overload include all of the following except
Thick, mucoid nasal discharge
Examples of synthetic colloids include ______ and _______
hetastarch and oxyglobin
Sensible losses include all of the following except
Which of the following is the least effective method for delivering fluids to a 12% dehydrated pt
Which of the following pieces of advice given to owners about administering subcutaneous fluids to their pet at home is the least accurate
sudden changes in the animals urinary habits can be indicative of fluid overload
What virus is associated with FIV infection
FIP has 2 different forms, which form occurs most often
Which of the following is the treatment of choice for toxoplasmosis
Which of the following tick-borne diseases casues a dermal rash around the bite would that resembles a target
T/F when a patient dies from rabies it is due to neuron damage in the brain
What does a cat have to be exposed to in order to contract FIP?
The major source of infection for FIV is
Fighting / bite would
Canine distemper virus is caused by
Which of the following may not be a sign of rabies in an animal
Canine Parvo is spread by which of the following means
Toxoplasmosis is caused by
Toxoplasma gondii
SQ fluids should be avoided in which of the following pts
Dogs with parvo
Which of the following vaccines will cause an animal to always test positive for the disease
IN which stage of rabies are humans at the greatest risk of exposure as behavioral changes can make sure animals appear more friendly
The definitive hose to toxoplasmosis gondii is
Which of the following diseases can only be diagnosed through testing of teh brain tissue
What cells does parvo virus infect
Rapidly, dividing cells of the lymphoid system, the intestinal tract, bone marrow, and the myocardium
Which of the following is the treatment of choice for rickettsioses
What is the predominant method for transmission of feline immunodeficiency virus in cats
Bite wounds
Cats exposed to feline leukemia virus typically respond in any of the following ways except
Becoming infected, appearing ill within 3 days, and dying within a week
Kittens should be at least of what age for FIV testing
6 mo
Cats shed toxoplasmosis oocytsts for how long after infection
1-2 weeks
T/F cats with FIV should be euthanized because of the risk that it possesses for humans
The brown dog tick is scientifically known as
Rhipicephlaous sanguineus
Which of the following is the treatment of choice for RMSF
A vaccinated animal who has bitten a person must be quarantined for how many days to rule out rabies infection at the time of the bite wound
10 days
Canine parvo virus can remain viable in the environment for
Greater than 3 years
is parvovirus an enveloped or a non-enveloped virus
T/F hyperkeratosis of foot pads in dogs is commonly associated with canine parvo virus
Which disease is closely related antigenically to canine parvo virus
Which of the following contributes to Lyme disease
Borrelia burgdorferi
Which of the following is a zoonotic disease
T/F feline leukemia has been reported in humans
How long does a tick have to attach to transmit B. Burgdorferi
At least 48 hrs
To treat permethrin intoxication in pts which drug has been shown to work the best
Acetaminophen ingestion will lead to
Ingestion of Lillies can cause acute _________ and death in cat
Renal failure
Which organization is available to call when poisoning is suspected
Garlic, leeks, chives and onions contain compounds that will cause
Hemolytic anemia
NSAIDs in excessive doses will lead to all of the following except
The antidote for castor bean ingestion would be
No antidote
Cold water or ice cubes should be administered by mouth or via a stomach tube to dogs that have ingested
Bread dough
Common household sources of _______ include: toilet bowl cleaners, drain openers, automobile battery fluid, and pool sanitizers
Which of the following nuts is known to cause hind end paresis in dogs
Macadamia nuts
Bromethalin intoxication will cause
Brain edema and seizures
T/F cats are roughly 10 times more sensitive to acetaminophen than dogs are
Cycad palms are noted for causing
Liver failure
T/F emesis should rapidly be induces in pts that have a recent history of ingesting products like toilet bowl cleaners
T/F Penney’s minted prior to 1982 contain copper so there are no concerns for a zinc toxicity
The active toxicants in chocolate include
Caffeine and theobromine
Acetylcysteine is the antidote for which of teh following toxic drugs
Oleander, lily of the valley or foxglove ingestion will lead to vomiting, diarrhea and cardiac arrhythmias – the toxic principle would be
Where does insoluble calcium oxalate produced by plants such as philodendron and peace lilies cause problems when ingested by companion animals?
When an animal owner phones a veterinary practice expressing concern that the animal might have been poisoned, a veterinary technician should be able to do all of the following without input from the veterinarian except
Call a local pharmacy and place an order for the appropriate antidote
Nicotine intoxication can lead to death due to
Respiratory paralysis
Which of the following rodenticides causes soft tissue calcification
Ethylene glycol ingestion will result in
Renal failure
Why is ethanol administered in cases of ethylene glycol toxicity
It decreases toxic metabolite production
During pregnancy, what provides the life-support system for the developing fetus
The life support system of the developing fetus is called the _______
Once an ovum is fertilized, it is then called a
what is the gestational period for cats
56-69 days
what is the gestational period for dogs
59-68 days
consumption of colostrum after birth is important to a neonates health, because:
neonates require the immunoglobulin transfer
in which of the following would you find a cotyledonary placental attachment
______ is the term given to the collective changes sperm undergo to help increase the chance of fertilizing an ovum
what kind of crystals do Dalmatians most likely have
uric acid
which of the following can occur if urine samples are not read in a timely manner
destruction of RBC, destruction of casts, increased bacterial growth
_______ is the term given to the physical act of breeding
which of the following would cause a high urine specific gravity
in which of the following would you find a diffuse placental attachment
calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals are commonly associated with which of the following
ethelyene glycol toxitcity
what is the gestational period for horses
321-346 days
a disadvantage of the free catch method of obtaining a urine sample is
contamination from the urethra, from areas around the urethral opening, and from the lower genital tract
what portion of sperm undergoes the most change once enterers in the female reproductive tract
which of the following crystals can you see in alkaline urine
struvite, triple phosphate, magnesium ammonium phosphate
the _________ is the structure that allows for the actual exchange of nutrients and waste between fetal and maternal circulation
umbilical cord
a urine pH below 7 is
typically speaking patients with PU/PD will have
low sg
which of the following is the most common type of cast seen in a urine sediment examination
what part of the cotyledonary placental attachment is found on the uterine lining
urine with a SG in the range of 1.008 to 1.012 is _____ and indicated that the urine is being neither concentrated nor diluted compared to plasma
in which of the following would you find a zonary placental attachment
the gestational period for pigs is _________
3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days
during development the fetus floats around in the:
amniotic sac
once the fertilized ova has reached the uterus it is called a ________ and is ready for implantation
when performing a urine sediment evaluation, a finding of increased numbers of leukocytes is an indication of
uric acid crystals are most commonly found in which of the following breeds
which of the following commonly employed methods to collect a urine sample is considered least desirable in order to culture urinary bacteria
collection from cage floor
what would be expected to occur regarding blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels and urine sg in a dehydrated pt who has properly functioning kidneys
increased BUN and increased urine SG
a ____ is a quick and simple way to measure urine SG
large amounts of sperm in the urine can give false positive for which of the following tests ona reagent strip
which of the following clinic findings is typically due to muscle cell lysis
collecting a urine sample for bacterial culture should be done before the rest of the urinalysis is performed
to avoid contamination
in most species, normal urine should be clear. exceptions are the
horse and rabbit
what is the major drawback of collection urine by cystocentesis
blood contamination
which of the following is the scientific name of the bladder worm
pearsonema plica
the accuracy of the refractometer should be periodically checked by using distilled water, which should show a SG of
Urine containing hemoglobin vs. blood can be differentiated by centrifuging the sample. A spun sample will reveal a red sediment with normal supernatant if _______ is present, while _______ will result in a uniform red sample with the supernatant remaining red
hematuria ; hemoglobinuria
Which of the following tests would you see elevated on a chemistry panel in an animal with azotemia
BUN and creatinine
Squamous epithelial cells are large polygonal cells with small nuclei. Squamous cells are absent in urine samples collected by
Which of the following crystals is a normal finding in the urine of the horse and rabbit
calcium carbonate crystals
Which of the following is the most ideal urine sample for examination
first morning urine
When dealing with corrosive substances that have been ingested
Dilute with milk or water