Lab Exam 3: Cat Muscles Flashcards
What is 1?
Median Raphe
What is 2? origin, insertion, action?
Origin: From the mastoid and jugular processes
Insertion: Medial ventral border of the mandible
Action: Depresses the mandible
What is 1 and 4?
What is 9?
Serratus ventralis
What is 3?
What is 2?
What is 1?
Which of these numbers are flexors?
Which is an extensor?
What are muscles 1 and 2 considered?
What muscles are these?
What is 11?
What is a 2? Origin, Insertion, action?
Longissimus Dorsi
Origin: From the ilium and spinous processes
Insertion: more anterior vertebrae
Action: Extends the vertebral column
What muscle is this? Origin, insertion, action
Origin: Most fibers originate from the temporal bone and a few from the zygomatic arch
Insertion: Coronoid process of the mandible
Action: Elevates mandible
What muscle is this?
What is 1?
What is 2?
What is 2? Origin, insertion, action
Gluteus Maximus
Origin: Last sacral and first caudal vertebrae
Insertion: femur
Action: Abducts the thigh
Which are flexors?
What is 6?
Rectus abdominis
What is 6? origin, insertion, action?
Origin: (1) Patella (2) femur
Insertion: Achilles tendon
Action: Extends the pes
Which are extensors?
What is 9? Origin, insertion, action
-Rectus Abdominis
-Origin: Pubis
Insertion: First and second costal cartilage and cranial end of sternum
Action: Compresses the abdominal region, pulls sternum and ribs caudally, causing flexion of the trunk
What is 1?
Latissimus Dorsi
What is 2? origin, insertion, action
Origin: From the zygomatic arch
Insertion: Masseteric fossa and adjacent portions of the mandible
Action: Elevation of mandible
Which are extensors?
Which are flexors?
What is 1?
What is 4? Origin, insertion, action
Latissimus dorsi
Origin: fourth or fifth thoracic to the sixth lumbar vertebrae
Insertion: humerus at the proximal end
Action: Pulls forelimb dorsocaudally
What is 1?
What is 4? Origin, insertion, action
Serratus Ventralis
Origin: From the surface of the first 9 or 10 ribs and the transverse processes of the last five cervical vertebrae Insertion: Vertebral border of the scapula
Action: Draws the scapula toward the thoracic wall and helps to support the scapula
What is 5?
What is 3? Origin, insertion, action
Origin: Medial surface of the mandible
Insertion: Median raphe
Action: Elevates the floor of the mouth
What is 5? Origin, insertion, action
Origin: First costal cartilage Insertion: Hyoid bone
Action: Retracts the hyoid
Biceps Femoris (OIA)
Subunit of Hamstrings
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Tibia and patella
Action: Abducts thigh and flexes the shank
Rectus Femoris (OIA)
Subunit of Quadriceps
Origin: Ilium near the acetabulum
Insertion: In common with the vastus medialis and lateralis Action: Extends the shank
Semimembranosus (OIA)
Subunit of hamstring
Origin: Ischial tuberosity and adjacent area of the ischium Insertion: Medial epicondyle of the femur and adjacent medial surface of the tibia
Action: Extends the thigh
Semitendinosus (OIA)
Subunit of Hamstrings
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Tibia
Action: Flexes the shank
Vastus Intermedius (OIA)
Subunit of Quadriceps
Origin: Femur
Insertion: In common with the other three members of this complex
Action: Extends the shank
Vastus Lateralis (OIA)
Subunit of Quadriceps
Vastus Medialis (OIA)
Subunit Quadriceps
Origin: Femur
Insertion: Crosses the patella and inserts by means of the patellar ligament on the tibial tuberosity
Action: Extends the shank
What does the quadriceps include?
Rectus femoris
Vastus medialis
Vastus intermedius
Vastus lateralis
What muscles does the hamstrings include?
Biceps Femoris