Lab Exam 2 Shark Muscles Flashcards
Dorsal superficial branchial constrictor
Compress pharyngeal pouches; those portions that close pharyngeal slits 2 to 5 are considered by some as branchial trematic constrictors
Epibranchial musculature
Anterior extension of epaxial musculature; Elevate chondrocranium during feeding
Elevates pectoral girdle, elevates last branchial arch
Dorsal hyoid constrictor
Compresses first pharyngeal pouch; that portion of it, considered by some as a hyoid trematic constrictor, closes 1st pharyngeal slit
Pectoral abductor
Abducts and flattens pectoral fin
Flex trunk and tail to the side
Where myomeres insert and originate
Ventral superficial branchial constrictor
Compress pharyngeal pouches
Ventral hyoid constrictor
Compresses first pharyngeal pouch
Adductor mandibulae
Adducts lower jaw
Left and right side intermandibularis muscles pull lower jaws together toward midline during opening of jaws and hyoid arch; help elevate floor of oral cavity when mouth closed
Levator hyomandibulae
Elevates hyomandibular cartilage
Closes spiracle
Levator palatoquadrati
Elevates palatoquadrate (upper jaw)
Helps depress basihyal and ceratohyal cartilages, expanding oral and pharyngeal cavities
Abducts lower jaw
Left and right side interhyoideus muscles pull ceratohyals together toward midline during opening of jaws and hyoid arch; help elevate floor of oral cavity when mouth closed
Abduct hyoid arch
Pectoral adductor
Adducts pectoral fin
Pectoral protractor
Protracts pectoral fin
Pelvic abductor
Abducts and flattens pelvic fin
Pelvic adductor
Adducts pelvic fin
Epaxial musculature
Dorsal myomeres of trunk and tail
Hypaxial musculature
Ventral myomeres of trunk and tail
take in water and ventilate the gills
Scapular process
projections off the pectoral girdle
Ampullae of Lorenzini
sensory pores used to detect electric fields of prey
Labial cartilage
Cartilage associated with the mouth
Coracoid bar
connects the pectoral girdle across the midline
Linea alba
separates the left and right halves of the hypaxial musculatures