Lab 7-biochemical testing Flashcards
Biochemical testing is a way of building a biological profile of a microbial species that is helpful
in classifying and identifying the organism.
Contamination of pure cultures with additional microbes is a major cause of error in biochemical
Phenol red broth is a biochemical test that tests for a microbe’s ability to metabolize specific
amino acids such as leucine, glycine and serine.
All of the biochemical tests we performed could be immediately interpreted after inoculation.
Escherichia coli is able to ferment a variety of carbohydrates.
Which organism(s) evolved a gas while metabolizing lactose in our lab experiments?
Phenol red is ___ in a base and ___ in an acid.
magenta (light red); yellow
What does a yellow colored broth indicate in the phenol red tube experiment?
Carbohydrate fermentation
What is urease?
A bacterial enzyme is required to break down urea
Which microbial test did we do to test for motile organisms?
SIM test
Which biochemical test(s) did we perform to examine a microbe’s ability to catabolize (a)
specific amino acid(s)?
Phenylalanine slants
Which of the following descriptions applies to Bacillus subtilis?
it produces starch hydrolase which breaks down starch and therefore leaves the media clear
when stained with iodine.
e. It produces Phenylalanine d
How do you know a bacteria is non-motile?
organisms will grow only along the line of inoculation (observe the tube at the center)
Proteus vulgaris produces a very dark color when inoculated into SIM medium. What
metabolite does P. vulgaris produce that is responsible for this characteristic?
The presence of indole indicates the ability of a microbe to do which of the following?
Degrade the amino acid tryptophan
Based on the picture below of our laboratory results, does E.coli produce urease
H. pylori is a bacteria that is implicated in causing nearly 80% of peptic ulcers (ulcers of the
stomach). It is urease positive. Why might it be advantageous to H. pylori to produce the urease
Producing urease will make the stomach acids less acidic and neutralize it
What are characteristics of P.vulagris using the SIM test?
positive for indole production, produces urease, ferment lactose, produces enzyme phenylalanine deaminase