Lab 3- Gram Stain & General Staining Procedures Flashcards
Using sterile technique to transfer a small amount of bacterial culture to a clean microscope
slide and mixing it with a small “loopful” of water is called creating a what?
Culture emulsion
Which of the following is the slowest step in the Gram stain procedure?
Allowing the emulsion to air dry
Which of the following is the correct sequence for the Gram stain procedure?
Heat fix Crystal violet primary stain Iodine mordant decolorize with acetone /
alcohol Safranin counterstain View microscopically
A simple stain allows microbiologists to do which of the following?
Classify the microbes based on their unique staining characteristics
A differential stain allows microbiologists to do which of the following?
Classify the microbes based on their unique staining characteristics
According to what you have learned in class, the bacterial cell type which possess an inner and
outer phospholid bilayer, lipopolysaccharide membrane components and a comparatively thin
peptidoglycan layer would be expected to stain how?
Pink, Gram negative
Approximately how long should you decolorize in the Gram stain procedure?
1-3 seconds as needed
What is the differential step in the Gram stain procedure?
Forgetting to treat with Gram’s iodine would likely cause which of the following to occur?
The crystal violet would be decolorized from both Gram + and – cells alike, resulting in pink
Which of the following are common Gram stain errors?
- Heat fixing the incorrect surface of the slide and incinerating the microbes
- Treating with primary stain too long
- Counterstaining too long
Which of the following microbial cell wall components accounts for the differential
characteristic of the Gram stain procedure?
Thin or thick peptidoglycan
According to your reading and in-class discussions which of the following is NOT an important
factor to consider when interpreting Gram stain results?
Age of the staining solutions being used
A simple stain performed with Safranin will likely yield all pink-colored cells, therefore these cells
can be classified as Gram-negative cells
Gram staining is a crucial, common first step used to identify microbes in the medical setting
Failing to decolorize a fixed bacterial emulsion would result in a false Gram negative result.
You can tell approximately how well your Gram stain turned out by viewing the microscope
slide with your unaided eye after you’ve completed the staining procedure
Generally speaking, you want the heaviest microbial smear possible on your microscope slide
prior to performing the Gram stain procedure.
What is the gram stain result for Escherichia coli
What is the gram stain result for Bacillus subtilis
What is the gram stain result for Micrococcus luteus
What is the gram stain result for Corynebacterium xerosis
What is the gram stain result for Staphylococcus epidermidis
List two non-biological contaminants that might make interpreting your Gram stain results
Growth Substance, Environmental Pollutants
Forgetting to treat with Gram’s iodine would likely cause which of the following to occur
False Gram negatives