Lab 2-growth patterns, morphology, microscopy Flashcards
Approximately how many bacterial cells must be present for you to be able to observe a colony
on an agar plate with your unassisted eye?
> 1x106
Colony morphology uses which of the following descriptions to characterize colonies?
Colony texture, color and shape.
what are the shapes of colony morphology?
filamentous, and.
Which of the following best describes the colony morphology pictured below?
Filamentous colony, filamentous margin.
Based on your in class observations, which of the following terms would you use to describe
Escherichia coli growth on agar slants? (Choose all that apply)
A colony, like S. epidermidis, that which doesn’t allow light to easily pass through it would be
referred to as which of the following?
Cultures that grow with a clumpy morphology in broth are referred to as exhibiting which kind
of growth?
Which of the following bacterial species which we inoculated exhibited the most robust growth
in nutrient broth culture?
E. coli
Which of the following bacterial species which we inoculated exhibited no growth in nutrient
broth culture?
M. luteus
The four magnification powers available on our bright-field, compound light microscopes are
which of the following?
40x, 100x, 400x and 1000x
It is easiest to view fresh living bacterial species under the light microscope. T / F
Fixing microbes for microscopic examination kills them.
Wet mount slides are fixed before viewing. T/F
Immersion oil may be used with any microscope power to enhance viewing. T / F
M. luteus grown on nutrient agar slants has a translucent, friable appearance with a spreading