Lab 6-special staining Flashcards
The Gram stain is a good example of a special differential stain.
Capsule staining colorizes the outside layer of the microbe darkly as compared to the
surrounding area of the slide.
True / False
The term acid-fast refers to certain microbes which retain a primary carbolfuchsin stain even
when decolorized with a harsh decolorizing agent such as acid-alcohol.
True / False
Steam heat is a common, simple procedure used in endospore and acid-fast staining to help the
primary stain penetrate the microbe’s cell wall.
Acid-fast organisms appeared green in our lab testing while endospores appeared a reddish purple color.
False. Acid-fast organisms appeared red, while endospore are green
Which of the follow are special differential stains (circle all that apply)?
Endospore stain, Flagella stain
Acid-fast stain,
Which type of special stain could be helpful in identifying motile microbes such as Proteus
Flagella stain
Which of the following special stains could be helpful in identifying pathogenic microbes such as
Neisseria meningitidis?
Capsule stain
Which of the following microbial groups would you NOT expect to be endospore forming?
Staphylococcus species
In which organism did we observe endospores?
Bacillus subtilis
Which of
the following would NOT be a major factor in stimulating sporulation in spore-forming
Exhaustion of nutrients in the growth culture medium.
Which of the following is an accurate description of the Schaeffer-Fulton endospore stain
Heat fix emulsion primary stain with malachite green by steaming rinse with water
counter stain with safranin.
What is Lophotrichous flagella
Tufts of flagella
What is Peritrichous flagella
Scattered, numerous flagella
What is Polar flagella
Single flagella
Clostridium botulium causes what disease
Bacillus cereus cause what disease
Gastrointestinal illness
Clostridum Tetani causes what disease
Tetanus disease
Clostridium perfringen causes what disease
Acute gastroenterities
Genus and species of four different spore-forming
- Clostridium perfringen
-Clostridum Tetani
-Bacillus cereus
-Clostridium botulium