Lab 5 - Superficial Head, Neck & Trunk Flashcards
Identify #18
Identify #26
Frontal bone
Identify #2
Parietal bone
Identify #4
Sphenoid bone
Identify #5
Temporal bone
Identify #7
Sphenoid bone
Identify #3
Superciliary arch
Identify #1
Supra-orbital notch
Identify the Zygomaticofacial foramen
Identify this structure
Zygomaticofacial foramen
Identify #22
Piriform aperature
Identify #17
Inferior concha
Identify the middle concha
Middle concha (plural conchae)
Identify #20
Intermaxillary suture
Identify #27
Alveolar process of maxilla
Identify this structure
Angle of mandible
Identify #13
Mental foramen
Identify this structure
Mental tubercles
Identify the Mental tubercles
Identify this structure
Mental protuberance
Identify the Mental protuberance
Identify this structure
Mandibular symphysis
Identify the Mandibular symphysis (not numbered)
Which numbers comprise the nasal septum? Name these structures.
21 (perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone) + 18 (vomer)
Identify #19
Anterior nasal spine
Identify #11
Infra-orbital foramen
Identify letter A
Optic canal (foramen)
Identify #9
3 - Superciliary arch: superior to supraorbital margin; eyebrow sits on the inferior aspect of it.
Supra-orbital margin
different between #9 and #3
9 - Supra-orbital margin: superior to the superciliary arch; function lateral part of this margin is sharp and prominent, affording to the eye, in that situation, considerable protection from injury; the medial part is rounded
Identify #5 & #6
Lacrimal crest (5+6)
- #5: anterior lacrimal crest
- #6: posterior lacrimal crest
Identify this structure
Coronoid process
Identify #28
Alveolar process of mandible
Identify the ramus
Identify #1
Ramus of the mandible
Identify #2
Head of the mandible
Identify #2
Head of the mandible
Identify this structure
Styloid process
Identify this structure
Mastoid process
Identify this structure
Zygomatic arch
Identify this structure
External occipital protuberance
- What bone is this?
- Label its parts.
- Hyoid bone
- *See image
Identify #1
- Which type and number range of vertebra does this belong to?
Body of the verebra
- C3-C6
Identify #7
Identify #2
- Which type and number range of vertebra does this belong to?
- C3-C6
Identify #3
- Which type and number range of vertebra does this belong to?
Superior articular facet
- C3-C6
Identify #4
- Which type and number range of vertebra does this belong to?
Bifid spinous process
- C3-C6
Identify #5
- Which type and number range of vertebra does this belong to?
- C3-C6
Identify #6
- Which type and number range of vertebra does this belong to?
Vertebral foramen
- C3-C6
Identify #7
- Which type and number range of vertebra does this belong to?
Transverse process
- C3-C6
- Which type of vertebra is this? (part of spine, and # range of vertebra it applies to)
- Identify all of its parts.
- Cervical vertebra. C3-C6
- See image
- Which suture is this?
- Which bones does it connect?
- Coronal suture
- temporal and parietal bones
- Which suture is this?
- Which bones does it connect?
- Sagittal suture
- connects 2 parietal bones
- Which suture is this?
- Which bones does it connect?
- Squamous suture
- connects the temporal and parietal bones
- Which suture is this?
- Which bones does it connect?
- Lambdoidal suture
- Parietal and occipital bones
Identify #18
What action does it create?
Frontalis muscle
- Frontal part of muscle: Elevate eyebrows;
Wrinkle forehead (protract scalp) - Occipital part of muscle: Unwrinkle forehead
(Retract scalp)
Identify #2
What action does it create?
orbicularis oculi muscle
Close eyelids
(blinking and winking)
Identify #1
What action does it create?
procerus muscle
Wrinkle skin between eyebrows
(show worry or concern)
Identify #17
What action does it create?
corrugator supercilii muscle
Wrinkle skin between eyebrows
(show worry or concern)
Identify #11
What action does it create?
orbicularis oris muscle
- Close and pucker lips (make a kissing face)
- Frown (draw mouth down and wider)
- Purse lips (straighten lips laterally)
Identify #7
What action does it create?
depressor anguli oris muscle
Frown (draw mouth down and wider)
Identify #8
What action does it create?
depressor labii inferioris muscle
Frown (draw mouth down and wider)