Lab 1 Flashcards
Iris diaphragm (compound microscope)
Focuses the light at the speciemen
Prokaryotic organisms
Bacteria and archaea
Animals, protists, plants, fungi
Rotating Flagella
Some bacteria use rotating flagella to move around
Fluorescence microscopy
Absorb one wavelength of light and emit some of that absorbed light at another wavelength, some fluorescent molecules occur naturally. Fluorescent dyes or antibody dyes are used to label specific organelles
It results in a fluorescence viewed on a black background
Confocal laser scanning microscopy
This is a type of fluorescent microscopy that involves focusing a laser light source onto a very thin plane within either a naturally fluorescent specimen or one treated with commercial fluorescent dyes
The resulting image is very sharp; used to examine specimens that are too thick for fluorescent microscopy
Using a specialized computer software , numerous optical sections taken of a specimen can be constructed into a three dimensional image
Transmission electron microscopy
In TEM a beam of electrons is transmitted through an extremely thin section of a specimen, similar to the way in which light passes through a slide in conventional light microscopy
The TEM has the best resolution of the internal organization of cells and their organelles
Scanning electron microscopy
In SEM a beam of electrons is scanned over the surface of a specimen resulting in a detailed three-dimensional image of the surface of s specimen
This type of microscopy can be used for intact specimen such as insects and pollen grain