L9 anatomy Flashcards
central partition between the 2 pleural sacs limited on either side by mediastinal pleura extends: superiorly to the thoracic inlet inferiorly to the diaphragm anteriorly to the sternum posteriorly to the vertebrae on each side- mediastinal pleura
content of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ : 1- thymus 2-arch of aorta 3-superior vena cava 4- esophagus 5- trachea 6-arch of azygos vein
Superior mediastinum
contents of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_: 1-in front of body of sternum + sinus gland 2- sternopericardial ligaments 3- internal thoracic artery and vein 4-behind: pericardium below diaphragm
Anterior (inferior) mediastinum
contents of _______:
1- ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk
2-lower part of superior vena cava
3-phrenic nerves (L&R) along with the heart
4- bifurcation of trachea, right and left bronchi
below diaphragm
middle (inferior) mediastinum
contents of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_: 1-vagus nerve 2-azygos vein 3- thoracic duct 4-esophagus below diaphragm
posterior (inferior) mediastinum
the lung on either side immediately collapses(due to pleura filled with air) and mediastinum is deflected to opposite side, the patient suffers from breathlessness and upon examination trachea and heart are displaced to opposite side.
fibromascular/ musculo-tendinous structue
- main function is respiration
- developed from inner transverse layers of body wall muscles
fibromascular/ musculo-tendinous structue
- main function is respiration
attachment :
a) sternal origin: inner surface of Xiphoid process
b)costal origin: lower six ribs and their costal cartilages
c) vertebral origin: (from behind) right and left crus (crura) and medial and lateral arcuate ligament
is the thickened upper margin of the fascia covering the anterior surface of Psoas Major muscle
Medial arcuate ligaments
Is the thickened upper margin of the fascia covering the anterior surface of Quadratus Lumborum
Lateral arcuate ligament
medial borders of the 2 crura connected by a ________ which crosses over the anterior surface of the aorta (T12)
Median Arcuate Lig
openings of Diaphragm : (*Voice *Of *America)
1- at T8 : _____
2- at T10: _____
3- at T12: _____
1- Vena cava (inferior)
2- (O)esophagus
3- ATA (*Aorta) thoracic duct and azygos vein
blood supply of diaphragm:
A) costal margin (main) : ________ and subcostal vein and artery
B)arising from crura (abdominal): L&R inferior phrenic arteries from ____
C) superior phrenic artery from ____
A)intercostal arteries
B) aorta
c)thoracic aorta
- happens during constipation and labor
-increases abdominal pressure
blood and lymph will move from high to low conc
Abdominal straining
involuntary spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm
abnormal opening in the diaphragm especially during birth
- may occur in middle age person due to weak musculature
- abdominal contents herniate into thorax causing respiratory problems
Diaphragmatic hernia