L8 - Male & Female Reproductive System Flashcards
The most posterior element of the pelvic viscera
The anorectal junction is pulled forward by the action of what muscle?
Rectum has three lateral curvatures, what are they and locate them.
Upper S3-S4 and Lower Curvature Tip of Coccyx : Right
Middle Curvature: sacrococcygeal: Left
The lower part of the rectum is expanded to form the?
Rectal Ampulla
Rectum does NOT have tenia coli, haustra, omental appendages.
Pelvic parts of the urinary system include :
Terminal parts of the ureter
Proximal parts of the urethra
Empty bladder is shaped like a three-sided pyramid T or F
Top corners of the Trigone:
Opening of the ureter
Bottom corner of the trigone:
Internal Urethral Sphincter
Apex of Bladder ->
Median Umbilical Ligament
This muscle contracts and pushes urine from the bladder into the urethra
Detrusor Muscle
The most fixed part of the bladder is the?
Neck of the Bladder
The neck of the bladder is positioned by a pair of tough fibromuscular bands,
in females and males they have different names.
What are they?
What kind of Fascia?
Rectoprostatic Fascia is in Males or Females?
Males, Fascia of Denovillers
What kind of Fascia?
Rectovaginal Fascia is in Males or Females?
Females, Fascia of Denovillers
Arteries of the bladder?
Superior and Inferior Vesical Arteries
Veins of the bladder?
Vesical Veins
Lymph Drainage of the bladder?
Internal and external Illiac Nodes
Nerves of the bladder both sympathetic and parasympathetic?
Inferior Hypogastric Nerves
Superior Vesical Artery comes off the _____ Artery
Umbilical Artery
Parasympathetic (Pelvic Splanchnic) –>
Contract or Relax the Detrusor –>
Relax or Contract Internal Urethral Sphincter
Parasympathetic (Pelvic Splanchnic) –>
Contract Detrusor –>
Relax Internal Urethral Sphincter
allows for urination
“rest & digest”
Sympathetic –>
Relax or Contract Detrusor–>
Contract or Relax Internal Urethral Sphincter
Sympathetic –>
Relax Detrusor–>
Contract Internal Urethral Sphincter
“fight or flight”
you don’t want to pee when you get scared
Which curvature of the rectum is pointing to the LEFT?
A. Upper Curvature
B. Middle Curvature
C. Lower Curvature
D. A and C
B. Middle
Female Urethra shorter or the Male Urethra?
FEMALE –> 4 cm long urethra
MALE –> 20 cm long urethra
Male Urethra has 4 parts
What are they?
Preprostatic Part of the male urethra:
1 cm long internal urethral sphincter:
- smooth muscle
- involuntarily
Prostatic Part of the male urethra
4 cm
Urethral Crest turns into –>
Seminal Colliculus Prostatic ducts secrete into ->
Prostatic Sinuses Ejaculatory Ducts (2) secrete into ->
Seminal Colliculus Prostatic Utricle located in Seminal Colliculus
Membranous part of the urethra
Passes through deep perineal pouch
Surrounded by external urethral sphincter
- skeletal muscle
- voluntarily
Spongy part of the Urethra
Surrounded by corpus spongiosum
- Forms bulb @ base
- forms the navicular fossa at the glans
Which portion of the male urethra is surrounded by the internal urethral sphincter?
A. Preprostatic
B. Prostatic
C. Membranous
D. Spongy
A. Preprostatic
Male Reproductive System
Testis and epididymis
Ductus deferens
3 types of accessory glands:
- single prostate
- a pair of seminal vesicles
- a pair of bulbourethral glands
The penis can be divided into 3 parts
What are they?
The root of the penis:
The fixed part of the penis
- 2 Crura
- 1 Bulb
2 Ischiocavernosus; Bulbospongiosus
The body of the penis:
2 Corpora Cavernosa
1 Corpora Spongiosum
The Glans of the penis:
Formed by Corpora Spongiosum
Erectile Tissues
Left and Right Crura bulb of penis
Corpora cavernosa
- erectile tissue continues into body of penis
Corpus spongiosum
- formed by the bulb of the penis
- mae urethra runs thru here
- expands to form glans penis
Ischicavernosus muscles cover?
The Cura
- the Cura forms the Corpora cavernosum
There are four muscles located in the root of the penis:
Bulbospongiosus (x2)
Ischiocavernosus (x2)
Which muscle forms the glans penis?
A. Corpora Spongiosum
B. Corpora Cavernosum
C. Bulbospongiosus
D. Ischiocavernosus
A. Corpora Spongiosum
The penis receives arterial supply from three sources:
- Dorsal arteries of the penis
- Deep arteries of the penis
(Right & Left Corpora Cavernosum)
- Bulbourethral artery
Dorsal arteries of the penis, Deep arteries of the penis, Bulbourethral artery, all come off the?
All come off the internal pudendal artery
Veins are SHUT during erection?
T or F
Point and Shoot Refers to?
Point: Erection = Parasympathetic
Shoot: Ejaculation = Sympathetic
Sensory innervation to the skin and glans penis
Pudendal Nerve
Peri-prostatic nerve plexus is responsible for the vascular changes which cause an erection.
Is this sympathetic or parasympathetic?
Seminiferous Tubules:
Produce Spermatozoa
Spermatozoa –>
Rete Testis –>
Efferent Ductules–>
Epididymis (where sperm is stored)
Flow of Sperm
Seminiferous Tubules –>
Rete Testis ->
Efferent Ductules ->
Epididymis ->
Vas Deferens ->
Vas Deferens + Seminal Vesicles –> Ejaculatory Duct –> Urethra
If you lose parasympathetic innervation to the penis, which action would be compromised?
Vas deferens passes LATERAL to the inferior epigastric vessels?
Testicular Arteries are within the spermatic cord?
Prostate gland in relation to the External Uretheral Sphincter:
Prostate gland in relation to the Neck of the bladder
Prostate gland in relation to the rectum
Prostate has three zones
Central = surrounds ejaculatory duct
Transitional Zone = Surrounds Urethra
BPH –Difficulty Urinating
Peripheral Zone = 65% of Prostate; Located Posteriorly
Felt during DRE
Which prostate zone surrounds the ejaculatory duct?
“Ejaculation is the Center of attention”
Uterus has three parts
Body: implantation of the blastocyst
The journey of the egg through the fallopian tubes
Fimbriae –>
Infundibulum –>
Ampulla –>
Isthmus –>
Broad ligament of the Uterus:
Covers Myometrium
Covers Fallopian Tubes
Coveries Ovaries
Gateway between vagina and uterus
Structure of cervix
Internal Os ->
Endocervical Canal ->
External Os ->
What performs these two main fxns?
Passage of sperm & Maintains sterility
The uterus can be positioned in two ways:
The uterus can be positioned in two ways:
Anteverted: Cervix relative to vagina
Anteflexed: Body relative to cervix
Relative to the Vagina:
Anterior Wall
Posterior Wall
Lateral Wall
Anterior wall: Urethra/Bladder
Posterior wall: Rectum
Lateral wall: Ureters and Uterine Arteries
Levator Ani & Coccygeus makes the?
Pelvic diaphragm
Pubocervical ligaments,
Transverse cervical (cardinal) ligaments,
& Uterosacral ligaments
make up the?
Uterine Ligaments
Transverse Cervical Ligament is VERY broad?
T or F
The _____ ligament of the uterus supports
the fundus of the uterus
The round ligament of the uterus supports
the fundus of the uterus
Venous Drainage of the Uterus
Uterine plexus –>
Uterovaginal plexus –>
internal iliac veins
Uterine Artery and Vaginal Artery come off a ___ trunk
common trunk
Which of the following ligaments are palpable during a rectal exam?
Uterosacral Ligaments
Venous drainage of the ovary:
Ovarian V.
Left into Renal
Right into IVC
Ovarian vessels eventually go through the suspensory ligament of the ovary.
T or F
Is the Vulva external or internal genital organs?
This female organ fxn
- as sensory tissue during sexual intercourse
- assist in micturition, by directing the flow of urine
- Defend the internal female reproductive tract from infection
- external genital organ
Structure of Vulva
Mons pubis: A fat pad
Labia majora: Two hair-bearing external folds
Labia minora: Two hairless folds of skin.
- They fuse anteriorly to form prepuce (hood) of the clitoris
This part of the Vulva has:
External Vaginal Orifice Opening of Urethra Bartholin’s Glands
Which structure forms the prepuce of the clitoris?
Labia Minora
Clitoris is derived from and formed from?
Derived from genital tubercle
Formed from the erectile corpora cavernosa
superficial transverse perineal muscle
are found in what pouch?
Superficial perineal pouch
An important role in sexual intercourse, childbirth, and menstruation
Vajayjay!!! LOL
Of the vaginal anatomy of the fornices, which is the longest?
Vascular supply of Vagina is:
Vaginal Artery