L4 - Posterior Abdominal Wall & Diaphragm Flashcards
Posterior Abdominal Wall consists of how many lumbar vertebrae?
Five L1-L5
Which muscles are associated with the posterior abdominal wall?
Quadratus Lumborum Psoas Major and minor Illiacus
Quadratus Lumborum Muscle
Innervation : T12-L4 Action: Unilaterally Flexes the Trunk

Psoas Major
Inf Attachment : along with the illacus muscle, lesser trochanter of femur
Innervation : ventral rami L1-L3
Action : Flexes thigh and trunk

Illiacus Muscle
Inf attachment : Along with psoas major m, lesser trochanter of femur
Action : flexes thigh
Innervation : Femoral Nerve

Which of these matches are INCORRECT?
- A. Psoas Major…Rami from T12-L4
- B. Quadratus Lumborum…Rami from T12-L4
- C. Iliacus…Femoral Nerve (L2-L4)
- D. Psoas Major…Rami from L1-L3
•A. Psoas Major…Rami from T12-L4
Quadratus Lumborum in relation to Psoas Major and Kidenys
Quadratus Lumborum:
- LATERAL to the Psoas Major
- POSTERIOR to the Kidney
How is the skeletal muscle arranged around the central tendon? and what tissue is the central tendon made up of?

IVC: # vertebrae?
Esophagus : # Vertebrae?
Aorta: # Vertebrae?
I ate 10 eggs at 12
IVC : 8
Esophagus : 10
Aorta : 12
Whats muscle is under the medial arcuate ligament?
Psoas Major
What muscle is under the lateral arcuate ligament?
Quadratus Lumborum Muscle
What is under the median arcuate ligament?
The median arcuate ligament is made up of?
Left and Right Crus
The right crus forms the ?
Esophageal hiatus

Right phrenic nerve passes with?
Vagus nerve passes with?
Esophagus T10

Innervation of the diaphragm from the phrenic nerve…spinal level?
C3,C4,C5 keeps you ALIVE
Peripheral part of the Diaphragm
Supplied by?
Supplied by the body wall
and Intercostal nerves are the innervation which is important in reffered pain.
Referred pain from the Diaphragm will present as?
Bc of its innervation from the cervical plexus irritation of the diaphragm is often felt as pain in the right or left shoulders
Appendicitis reffered pain will present as?
Umbillicus Region
Gall bladder reffered pain will present as?
Right shoulder
Hiatial Hernia
Portion of the stomach in the thoracic cavity bc of a weak esophageal sphincter.
A loose RIGHT CRUS results in a hiatal Hernia because the right crus is makes up the esophageal sphincter!
Which structure goes under the lateral arcuate ligament?
- A. Psoas Major Muscle
- B. Aorta
- C. Quadratus Lumborum Muscle
- D. Iliacus Muscle
•C. Quadratus Lumborum Muscle
Blood supply of the Diagphragm
Thoracic Surface?
Pericardiphrenic arteries
Musculophrenic arteries
Superior phrenic arteries
Blood supply of the Diagphragm?
Abdominal Surface:
Inferior Phrenic Arteries
Lumbar Plexus : Remember the Date Mneumonic!
Interested in getting lunch on friday?
Illihypogastiral L1
illioinguinal L1
Gentiofemoral L1 L2
Lateral Gentiofemora L2, 3
Obtruator Nerve L2-L4
Femoral Nerve L2-L4
Accessory Obtruator Nerve, not everyone has this but know the Lumbar level
and lumbarsacral trunk, what does it do and what level?
L3-L4 = Accessory Obtruator Nerve
Lumbosacral = L4-L5, connects lumbar and sacral plexus
Is the subcostal nerve part of the lumbar plexus?
Hell NO, but still on the posterior wall of the abdomen.
and T-12
Nerves in relation to Psoas Major:

Female Inguinal Canal Contents :
Round Ligament of the Uterus
Genital Branch of the Gentiofemoral Nerve
Illioinguinal Nerve
Male Inguinal Canal contents :
- Spermatic Cord
- (Surrounded by the External Spermatic Fascia, Cremaster Muscle and Internal Spermatic Fascia)
- Testicular Artery and Vein
- Vas Deferens
- Genital branch of the Genitofemoral nerve
- Ilioinguinal Nerve

Posterior Abdominal Wall Nerves

Which of the following supply the abdominal portion of the diaphragm?
- A. Musculophrenic Arteries
- B. Inferior Phrenic Arteries
- C. Pericardiophrenic Arteries
- D. Superior Phrenic Arteries
•B. Inferior Phrenic Arteries
Kidneys are ALWAYS and lie at what level, what nerves are associated with the kidney?
Paravertebral gutters : T11-L3
•Subcostal, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves pass diagonally and laterally posterior to the kidneys

Unpaired Arteries off of the Abdominal Aorta:
Superior to Inferior:
Celiac Trunk
Median Sacral Artery
Right side of the abdomin:
IVC and Gonandal Vein draining into the IVC
Left side of the abdomin:
- Left Side:
- Aorta
- Gonadal Vein draining into Left Renal Vein
- Left Renal Vein
- Superior to the Aorta
- Inferior to SMA
The right kidney is lower or higher in its positioning? and why?
Lower due to the liver
Subcostal, illohypogastric, and ilioinguinal nerves all run posterior to the kidneys?
The three nerves that run posterior to the kindeys and anterior to the psoas major and quadratus lumborum muscle?

Pararenal fat :
Perirenal fat :
Outside of the Renal Fascia
Inside the Renal Fascia ( On the Kidney)

Which of the following is the correct order of the unpaired arteries off the abdominal aorta from superior to inferior?
- A. SMA à IMA à Celiac Trunk à Median Sacral Artery
- B. Celiac Trunk à SMA à Median Sacral Artery à IMA
- C. Celiac Trunk à SMA à IMA à Median Sacral Artery
- D. SMA à Median Sacral Artery à IMA à Celiac Trunk
•C. Celiac Trunk à SMA à IMA à Median Sacral Artery
Paired Vessels off Abdominal Aorta :
- Inferior Phrenic Arteries
- Suprarenal Arteries
- Renal Arteries
- Gonadal Arteries
- Lumbar Arteries
Renal Artery gives off __ branches that supply ___ lobes of the kindey.
5 branches, 5 lobes

renal sinus?

Ureter Crosses over the ?
External Illiac Artery and Vein
Ureter goes under the ?
Uterine Artery in Females
Vas Deferens in Males

Kidney Stones
spinal level?
How do patients feel?

Right Adrenal lies ?
Left Adrenal faces?

Adrenal Blood Supply
Inferior Adrenal artieries
Does the cortex have innervation?
Is there parasympathetic innervation?
The greater splanchnic gives off
fibers directly to the adrenal gland. These preganglionic sympathetics synapse directly on neural
crest-derived cells in adrenal medulla. These chromaffin cells secrete epinephrine (80%) and norepinephrine (20%).
The cortex has no innervation.
There is no parasympathetic

Abdominal Aorta picture

Gonadal vein on left side dumps into?
Gonandal vein on right side dumps into?

Kidneys and testes drain into the ____ and other lump nodes in that region
Kidneys and testes drain into the paraaortic lymph nodes
Chyle Cisternae -> drains into?
Chyle Cisternae ->Thoracic Duct ->Left Subclavian Vein
All of the venous drainage
from the digestive organs
and the spleen enter the ____
system to be carried to
the ____.
All of the venous drainage
from the digestive organs
and the spleen enter the portal
venous system to be carried to
the liver.
Portal-Caval Anastomoses
The anastomoses of the portal venous drainage with the somatic (caval) venous drainage has important clinical significance.
There are 3 main sites of anastomosis:
There are 3 main sites of anastomosis:
- Esophageal veins
- Paraumbilical veins
- Veins of anal canals
Whihc anastomoses site ias assoiciated with alcohol abuse and cirrhosis?
- Esophageal veins
- Paraumbilical veins