L6 - Intestines Flashcards
Small Intestine is how many meters long?
7 meters long
In cadavers intestines are longer. T or F
Why are intestines shorter in living humans?
tonic contraction
Duodenum and it’s parts : Superior
1st part :Superior
first 2 cm intraperitoneal
celiac trunk
Duodenum and it’s parts: Descending
2nd Part.
Celiac trunk. Receives enzymes from the pancreas. Hugs the head of the pancreas
Duodenum and it’s parts: Horizontal
3rd part. Superior Mesenteric Artery.
Duodenum and it’s parts: Ascending
4th part.
SMA. joins the jejenum
Which of the following are NOT primary or secondary retroperitoneal?A. Pancreas
B. Kidneys
C. Suprarenal Glands
D. Duodenum (Descending, Horizontal and Ascending)
D. Descending Colon
E. Ascending Colon
F. Transverse Colon
F. Transverse Colon
Celiac Trunk
Left Gastric
Splenic Artery
Common Hepatic
Ligament of Treitz:
Demarcates the duodenum and jejunum junction
Made by Right Crus
Ligament of Treitz location
Ligament of Treitz passes behind the pancreas and is attached above to the spine and the diaphragm.
Ligament of Treitz contraction:
Contraction of this muscle widens the angle of the duodenojejunal flexure facilitating movement of the intestinal contents
Ligament of Treitz : composed of?
This muscle is commonly composed of a slip of skeletal muscle from the diaphragm and a fibromuscular band of smooth muscle from the 3rd and 4th parts of duodenum
Mesentery hold what?
nervous supply
Jejenum increases surface area because of ?
Pilcae Circulares are only in what?
Jejenum and Proximal ileum
Terminal Ileum has what?
Lymphatic Nodules:
Peyers patch
Bariatric Surgery
Jejenum is connected to the upper patrt of the stomach bypassing lower parth of the stomach and duodenum which results in less absorption
Movement of Bowel:
Ileocecal junction Cecum Vermiform appendix Ascending colon Transverse colon Descending colon Sigmoid colon Rectum Anus
Retroperiotenal organs in Large Intestines
Ascending Colon
Descending Colon
Which of these does NOT have plicae circulares? A. Proximal Ileum B. Jejunum C. Terminal Ileum D. A and C
C. Terminal Ileum
Large Intestine or Colon
Ascending and Descending
Transverse colon
Appendix on mesoappendix
Large intesitine or colon has 7 parts
- Cecum
- Ascending colon (retroparitoneal)
- Transverse colon(intraperitoneal)
- Descending colon (Retroperitoneal)
- Sigmoid colon (intraperitoneal)
- Rectum
- Anal canal
Tenia Coli allows for what organ to fxn?
Large intestine
Tenia Coli produces?
this passes stool
Hirschsprung’s disease (congenital megacolon)
LACK of Haustra –> No stool is passed due to lack of neural control
This is the most important disease of large intestine in infants and children
- defecation is not possible because
- a segment of the lower rectum is completely devoid of ganglion cells in the submucosa and muscularis layers
Various possible locations for the appendix (In general, right lower quadrant) T or F
Do we have more lymphatic nodules in the appendix later on in life or earlier?
Most common location of Appendix?
Retrocecal postion
Appendix does what for the immune system?
B-cells differentiation into immunocompetent cells
contains lymphatic nodules that help form immune cells
Rectum, involuntary muscle?
Internal anal sphincter : urge
Rectum, voluntarily muscle ?
External anal sphincter : pressure you put.
Blood Supply to intestines. Foregut :
Celiac Trunk
Blood Supply to the intestines : Midgut
Blood Supply to the Hindgut :
SMA Branches
Anterior & Posterior INFERIOR Pancreaticoduodenal Arteries Ileocolic Artery Right Colic Artery Middle Colic Artery Intestinal Arteries Secondary Arcades
Which of these most likely supplies the appendix?
A. Ileocolic Artery
IMA Branches
Marginal Artery
Left Colic Artery
Sigmoid Arteries
Superior Rectal Artery
the right side of the body : ?? lymphatic trunk,
Left side of the body :
?? thoracic duct
Left Thoracic Duct
Chyle cystern
Chyle cystern is a thin-walled sac at the inferior end of the thoracic duct.
Chyle Cistern –>
Chyle Cistern–>Thoracic Duct -> Left Subclavian Vein
Foregut + Midgut -> (Parasympathetic nerve) + (Sympathetic nerve)?
Foregut + Midgut -> Vagus (P) + Thoracic Splanchnics (S)
(Parasympathetic nerve) + (Sympathetic nerve)?
Hindgut->Pelvic Splanchnics (P) + Lumbar Splanchnics (S)