L75 (Hep B & D) Flashcards
What does elevated AST/ALT indicate vs elevated bilirubin?
AST/ALT: liver injury
Bilirubin: liver dysfxn
Hep B
DNA - partially ds
Important Hep B antigen proteins
Surface antigens
Core antigen
e antigen
Role of e antigen
May buffer virus from immune response
USED as marker of viral replication
How is Hep B transmitted?
Blood = high [ ]
- Also wound exudates
Sexual = moderate [ ]
Once Hep B gets to the liver via blood, how does it enter hepatocytes?
You don’t know this
Where does Hep B replicate in hepatocytes?
partially dsDNA -> RNA -> totally dsDNA = cccDNA
Because Hep B is so small, how does it manipulate its genome to create the various proteins it needs?
Overlapping reading frames
What enzyme does Hep B carry?
Duh! B/c it’s a DNA virus!!
What is a common theme throughout hepatitis?
Immune response to the virus = 1ary liver damage
- T cells
What Ab shows acute Hep B infection? Chronic?
Acute = IgM
Chronic = IgG
DUH! Immunology 101!!!
What will you see on serology for acute Hep B?
Viral load - antigens & DNA only
Not enough time to create Ab response
Serology for resolved Hep B + other signs?
Surface antigen Ab
Core Ab
Both IgG
cccDNA !!! not in serum but permanently in cells!
Serology for chronic Hep B
Surface antigen present for 6mo \+/- e antigen IgG core Abs DNA NO surface Ab!!! Weird
Progression of undiagnosed/treated Hep B
Fibrosis -> cirrhosis -> liver failure